zbirka vaj
Janja Hojnik (Author), Živa Šuta (Author), Petra Weingerl (Author)


Zbirka vaj je namenjena študentom prve stopnje bolonjskega študija prava pri predmetu Pravni sistem in institucije EU na Pravni fakulteti v Mariboru, ki se prvič srečajo s študijem prava EU. Snov se v zbirki prične obravnavati s pregledom zgodovinskega razvoja EU in njenega prava ter nadaljuje s poudarkom na delu institucij EU, pri čemer poglavja sledijo teku akta EU, od vprašanja pristojnosti (institucij) EU za sprejem akta in institucionalne zgradbe EU do zakonodajnih oz. nezakonodajnih postopkov ter pravnega učinkovanja tega akta. Sledijo še naloge v zvezi z uveljavljanjem prava EU pred Sodiščem EU in nacionalnimi sodišči in v zvezi z Listino EU o temeljnih pravicah. Poglavje na koncu gradiva je namenjeno izbranim vprašanjem prava EU, in sicer vladavini prava EU in zunanjemu delovanju EU. Znanje se v gradivu preverja s pomočjo teoretičnih vprašanj, iztočnic za diskusijo in praktičnih primerov.


pravo EU;institucije EU;temeljna načela;sodni sistem;temeljne pravice;vladavina prava;zunanje delovanje EU;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 0 - Not set
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba
UDC: 339.923(4):34(076)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 185419011 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-828-4
Views: 29
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Study Material for the Course EU Legal System and Institutions
Secondary abstract: This study material is intended for first cycle students at the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, who are encountering EU law for the first time in the course The EU Legal System and Institutions. It offers a historical overview of the development of the EU and its supranational law and continues with a focus on the work of the EU institutions, with chapters following the ‘life-course’ of an EU act, from the question of EU competences to adopt the act and EU institutional structure to the legislative and non-legislative procedures and the legal effects of that act. This is followed by questions relating to the enforcement of EU law before the Court of Justice of the EU and national courts, and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. A chapter at the end of the material is devoted to selected issues of EU law, namely the rule of law and EU external relations. The material assesses and tests student’s knowledge through theoretical questions, points for discussion and practical examples.
Secondary keywords: EU law;EU institutions;fundamental principles;judicial system;fundamental rights;rule of law;external relations;
Type (COBISS): Higher education textbook
DOI: 10.18690/um.pf.3.2024
ID: 22918583