magistrsko delo
Zločini zoper naravo so daljnosežni, nevarni in kompleksni zločini, ki uničujejo okolje in posledično vplivajo na našo družbo in svet. Ta kazniva dejanja lahko neposredno vplivajo na naše zdravje danes in škodujejo prihodnjim generacijam. Delo predstavlja ekološko kriminaliteto, varovanje okolja, vlogo občin pri varovanju okolja, divja odlagališča. Raziskovalni del je bil kvantitativen, izveden na vzorcu 202 polnoletnih posameznikov, ki prebivajo na ptujskem območju.
Rezultati so pokazali, da anketirani lastno poznavanje pojma »ekološka ocenjujejo kot povprečno. Zavedajo se katera dejanja, ravnanja zoper okolje pomenijo kaznivo dejanje. Rezultat kažejo na povprečno zadovoljstvo anketiranih glede skrbi občine za varovanje okolja na območju bivanja. Zaupanje anketiranih institucijam pristojnim za reševanje okoljske problematike je povprečno. Strinjajo se, da določena ravnanja (nepravilno ravnanje z odpadki, uporaba pesticidov in herbicidov, pretirano izčrpavanje in uničevanje naravnih virov itd. škodi okolju in zdravju. Strinjajo se, da v njihovem gospodinjstvu ločujejo odpadke in da to počnejo tudi sosedje in sokrajani ter da bi sosedje in sokrajani potrebovali več znanja glede ravnanja z odpadki. Potrdili smo, da bi poznavanje ekološke kriminalitete med prebivalci ptujskega območja bilo potrebno izboljšati. Potrdili smo tudi, da izobrazba vpliva na učinkovitost ravnanja z odpadki. Nismo potrdili, da med Mestno občino Ptuj in ostalimi občinami obstaja statistično značilna razlika v oceni skrbi občine za varovanje okolja.
Delo opozarja na problematiko ekološke kriminalitete na ptujskem ter na pomanjkljivo skrb občanov in občin za preprečevanje le te.
ekološka kriminaliteta;varovanje okolja;vloga občin;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2024 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
[B. Purgaj] |
UDC: |
343.3/.7:504(043.2) |
Views: |
12 |
Downloads: |
3 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Crimes against the environment in the Ptuj region |
Secondary abstract: |
Crimes against nature are far-reaching, dangerous and complex crimes that destroy the environment and consequently affect our society and the world. These crimes can directly affect our health today and harm future generations. The work represents ecological criminality, environmental protection, the role of municipalities in environmental protection, illegal dumping sites. The research part was quantitative, carried out on a sample of 202 adults living in the Ptuj area.
The results showed that the respondents rate their own knowledge of the term "ecological" as average. They are aware of which acts, actions against the environment constitute a criminal act. The results show the average satisfaction of the respondents regarding the municipality's concern for environmental protection in the area of residence. The respondents' trust in the institutions responsible for solving environmental problems is average. They agree that certain behaviors (improper waste management, use of pesticides and herbicides, excessive depletion and destruction of natural resources, etc.) are harmful to the environment and health. They agree that they separate waste in their household and that their neighbors and compatriots do the same, and that neighbors and fellow citizens needed more knowledge about waste management. We confirmed that knowledge of ecological crime among the residents of the Ptuj area should be improved. We also confirmed that education affects the efficiency of waste management. We did not confirm that between the Municipality of Ptuj and the others there is a statistically significant difference between the municipalities in the assessment of the municipality's concern for environmental protection.
The work draws attention to the issue of ecological crime in Ptuj and to the lack of concern of citizens and municipalities to prevent it. |
Secondary keywords: |
Ekologija;Kriminal;Ptuj (Slovenija ; mestna občina);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
VIII f., [86] str. |
ID: |
22947172 |