diplomsko delo
Ana Petek (Author), Andrej Lavrenčič (Reviewer), Simon Horvat (Mentor), Mojca Simčič (Co-mentor)


Skoraj po vsem svetu je pri dolgorepih pasmah ovc razširjena praksa krajšanja repov pri jagnjetih z rezanjem. Namen tega je preprečevanje bakterijskih okužb in napadov insektov. Vendar je treba opozoriti, da ta praksa živalim povzroča bolečino in stres. Predhodne raziskave so pokazale, da obstaja genetska variabilnost v več genih, ki vplivajo na dolžino repa pri ovcah, med drugim tudi za gen HOXB13. Raziskovali smo razlike v izražanju tega gena med genotipoma GG (dolgorepe živali) in CC (kratkorepe živali) z uporabo metode qPCR pri trinajstih ovnih oplemenjene jezersko-solčavske pasme. Ugotovili smo, da se je pri vzorcih kože na repu in križu gen HOXB13 statistično značilno različno izražal med genotipoma CC in GG ter znotraj genotipa v odvisnosti od lokacije v kranialno-kavdalni smeri pri ovnih. Na konici repa se je pri CC genotipu HOXB13 izražal skoraj 13-krat več kot pri genotipu GG, v vzorcih na sredini repa pa okoli 5-krat več. Pri obeh genotipih se je izražanje HOXB13 povečevalo proti konici repa. Kljub temu pri notranjih organih nismo opazili statistično značilnih razlik v izražanju med obema genotipoma, izražanje pa je bilo zelo nizko ali odsotno. Rezultati dodatno potrjujejo hipotezo o vzročnosti gena HOXB13 pri determinaciji dolžine repa preko molekularnega mehanizma diferencialnega izražanja v kranialno-kavdalni smeri repa. S prenosom teh novih spoznanj v ovčerejo s pomočjo selekcije ali biotehnoloških aplikacij bi lahko zmanjšali ali celo odpravili potrebo po bolečem postopku krajšanja repov in s tem izboljšali dobrobit živali.


ovce;pasme;oplemenjena jezersko-solčavska ovca;ovni;dolžina repa;RNA;geni;HOXB13;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [A. Petek]
UDC: 636.3:575(043.2)
COBISS: 190837507 Link will open in a new window
Views: 93
Downloads: 10
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂcorrelation between the expression of the RNA HOXB13 gene and tail length in rams of the Improved Jezersko-Solčava breed
Secondary abstract: Around the world, there is a widespread practice of shortening lambs' tails by cutting in long-tailed sheep breeds. This is done primarily to prevent bacterial infections and insect attacks, otherwise known as flystrike. However, it should be noted that this practice inflicts pain and stress on the animals. Studies have identified genetic variability in sheep tail length, including the role of the HOXB13 gene. We investigated gene expression differences between the GG genotypes (long-tailed animals) and CC genotypes (short-tailed animals) using the qPCR method in thirteen rams of the Improved Jezersko-Solčava breed. Results showed that in skin samples from the tail and rump, the HOXB13 gene is expressed significantly differently between the CC and GG genotypes, varying along the cranial-caudal axis. At the tip of the tail, the HOXB13 was expressed almost 13 times higher in the CC genotype than in the GG genotype, and about five times higher in samples from the middle of the tail. In both genotypes, the expression of HOXB13 increased towards the tip of the tail. However, in internal organs, we did not observe significant differences in expression between the two genotypes, with very low or no expression detected. The results further confirm the hypothesis of the causality of the HOXB13 gene in determining the tail length through the molecular mechanism of differential expression in the cranial-caudal direction of the tail. Applying these insights in sheep production through breeding or biotechnological applications could reduce or even eliminate the need for the painful procedure of tail shortening, thus improving animal welfare.
Secondary keywords: sheep;breeds;Improved Jezersko-Solčava breed;rams;tail length;genetics;RNA;genes;HOXB13;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VII, 29 str.))
ID: 23050004