Mohamed Omar (Author), Tomo Cerovšek (Mentor)


Uspeh gradbenih projektov je zelo odvisen od kakovosti projektnih informacij. Upravljanje projektnih informacij, vključno z zahtevami za informacije, je temelj za učinkovito projektno sodelovanje. Preverjanje informacijskih zahtev, identifikacija in odpravljanje neskladij v kompleksnih projektih BIM je dolgotrajen in drag proces. Zato je avtomatizacija postopka preverjanja modela na osnovi BIM (BMC angl. BIM-based model checking) nepogrešljiva za večjo učinkovitost. Aplikativni raziskovalni pristop in kvalitativne metodologije različnih uporab BIM v kontekstu zahtev za projektne informacije so vodile do petstopenjskega BMC: razlaga pravil, priprava modela, izvajanje pravil, poročanje o rezultatih preverjanja in avtomatizirano ali polavtomatsko izvajanje kode za reševanje informacijskih težav. Za BMC predlagamo tri delotoke V delotoku A se celoten BMC izvaja v avtorskem okolju, kar povečuje učinkovitost z manj izmenjavami modelov BIM. Delotok B se izvaja v samostojni programski opremi ali specializiranih orodjih BMC z razlago in izvdbo pravil. Delotok C razširjeno uporablja openBIM za BMC in interpretaciji pravil z IDS. V študiji primera so bili implementirani delotoki BMC in stopnja informacijskih potreb vhodni podatek za razlage pravil, ki opredeljuje informacijske zahteve za popise količin in oceno stroškov. Študija podaja kritično oceno priložnosti in omejitve delovnih tokov BMC ter podaja poglobljeno razpravo o potencialu in učinkih na upravljanje projektnih informacij.


civil engineering;master thesis;BIM;openBIM;compliance;checking;BMC;IDS;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Omar ]
UDC: 004.946:69(078.7)(043.3)
COBISS: 187892227 Link will open in a new window
Views: 259
Downloads: 14
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Avtomatizirani delotoki za preverjanje skladnosti modelov BIM z informacijskimi zahtevami
Secondary abstract: The success of building projects largely depends on the quality of project information. Therefore, project information management, including information requirements, establishes the foundation for effective project collaboration. Checking information requirements, identification, and resolution of information issues in complex BIM projects is a very time-consuming and costly process. Thus, automating the BIMbased Model Checking (BMC) process is indispensable for resource savings and efficiency. Through an applied research approach and qualitative methodology, the study investigated various BIM uses within the context of information requirements. Subsequently, the research introduced a five-stage BMC process, which involves adapting the traditional BMC process with an additional stage: Rule interpretation, Model preparation, Rules execution, Reporting check results, and Automated or Semiautomated code execution for resolving the information management issues. To implement the BMC process, three distinct workflows are proposed. In Workflow A, the entire BMC process is conducted within a designated repository environment, enhancing efficiency by minimising the need for BIM model exchanges. Workflow B is conducted in standalone software or specialised BMC tools for BMC core stages of rule interpretation and execution. Workflow C extensively employs openBIM throughout the entire BMC process, mainly rule interpretation using IDS. Throughout the case study, the predefined BMC workflows were implemented. The Level of Information Need framework was employed as input for the rule interpretation stage, defining information requirements for QTO and cost estimation. The study critically evaluated the opportunities and limitations of BMC workflows, discussing the potential and implications for project information management.
Secondary keywords: gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;GR;BIM;openBIM;skladnost;preverjanje;BMC;IDS;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XX, 110 str.
ID: 23081026
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