doktorsko delo
Primož Ogrinec (Author), Janko Slavič (Mentor), Miha Boltežar (Co-mentor)


V delu je predstavljena in eksperimentalno primerjana metoda izračuna poškodovanosti impulznih in harmonskih obremenitev, ki prikazuje, da sta načina obremenjevanja ekvivalentna. Za vsako harmonsko obremenitev namreč lahko definiramo serijo impulznih obremenitev, ki generirajo enako poškodbo. Poleg analitičnih izrazov je bil razvit tudi eksperimentalni postopek, ki omogoča določevanje koeficientov Wöhlerjeve krivulje za oba obremenitvena primera. V okviru te naloge je bila razvita tudi metodologija ocene poškodbe s spektralnimi števnimi metodami za impulzne obremenitve, ki so v osnovi nestacionarne in ne-Gaussove, kar presega osnovne predpostavke spektralnih števnih metod. Napovedi dobe trajanja v frekvenčni domeni za tak tip obremenitve napovedujejo bistveno predolge dobe trajanja. Predlagan korekcijski faktor napovedi dobe trajanja za impulzne obremenitve primerja oceno poškodovanosti z dvema števnima metodama v frekvenčni domeni, ter padavinsko števno metodo in ga je mogoče analitično določiti za dan dinamski sistem. Vpliv impulzov in napovedovanje dobe trajanja s pomočjo korekcijskega faktorja je bil tudi eksperimentalno validiran.


disertacije;vibracijsko utrujanje;pospesen preizkus utrujanja;strukturna dinamika;nestacionarne obremenitve;ne-Gaussove obremenitve;ekvivalentnost harmonskih obremenitev;ekvivalentnost impulznih obremenitev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [P. Ogrinec]
UDC: 534:620.178.3:531.3(043.3)
COBISS: 188959491 Link will open in a new window
Views: 51
Downloads: 13
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impulse loads in vibration fatigue
Secondary abstract: In this study a method for calculating damage under impulse and harmonic loads, which shows that the two loads are equivalent. For each harmonic load an impulse load can be defined that generates an equivalent amount of damage. The analytical process was experimentally validated through the development of a testing procedure, which enables the determination of the Wöhler curve coefficients for both load types. \\ Within this work, a methodology for assessing damage with spectral counting methods for impulse loads, which are non-stationary and non-Gaussian. This challenges the basic assumptions of spectral methods, which predict significantly too long time to failure for structures subjected to these loads. The proposed analytical correction factor, which compares the fatigue life predictions between two frequency domain counting methods (Tovo- Benasciutti and narrowband) and rainflow counting method, can be analytically determined for a given dynamic system. The impact of impulse loads on the structures durabilty and the prediction of the lifetime with spectral methods was also expreimentally verified.
Secondary keywords: dissertations;vibration fatigue;accelerated vibration test;structural dynamics;non-stationary loads;non-Gaussian loads;equivalence of harmonic loads;equivalence of impulse loads;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXIV, 110 str.
ID: 23103233
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