doktorska disertacija
Blanka Koščak Tivadar (Author), Aleš Dolenec (Mentor), Maša Žvelc (Co-mentor)


V raziskavi smo preverjali, ali lahko z eksperimentalno intervencijo vplivamo na izbrane kognitivne sposobnosti starostnikov in ali se bo njihova ocena zdravja po eksperimentu izboljšala. Pri eksperimentu je sodelovalo 80 starostnikov, ki so bili naključno razporejeni v štiri skupine. Preizkušanci so izvajali; vadbo za vzdržljivosti, kognitivno vadbo ali kombinacijo obeh vadb. Četrta skupina je bila kontrolna. Za preverjanje rezultatov smo uporabili Test priklica besed za preverjanje delovnega in dolgoročnega spomina, test Stroop za preverjanje selektivne pozornosti in hitrosti procesiranja ter delovnega spomina in Test priklica števil za preverjanje pozornosti in kratkoročnega spomina. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili pozitiven vpliv vadbe za vzdržljivost in vadbe za vzdržljivost z dodano kognitivno vadbo na delovni in dolgoročni spomin, pri preizkušancih skupine s kognitivno vadbo pa samo na dolgoročni spomin. V skupini, ki je izvajala vadbo za vzdržljivost, so preizkušanci izboljšali tudi inhibicijo irelevantnih dražljajev. Pri nobeni skupini nismo zaznali vpliva na pozornost in kratkoročni spomin. Pri intervenciji s telesno vadbo nismo zaznali razlik pri samooceni zdravja, s katero preverjamo telesno funkcijo in duševno kakovost življenja. Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo, da je za kakovostno starost potrebno proaktivno delovanje, kamor sodita tudi ustrezna telesna in kognitivna vadba.


gerontologija;starostniki;staranje;telesna dejavnost;gibalne sposobnosti;kognitivne sposobnosti;spomin;testi;meritve;vprašalniki;disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [B. Koščak Tivadar]
UDC: 159.953:613.98:796.035
COBISS: 192632835 Link will open in a new window
Views: 64
Downloads: 18
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Influence of physical activity on attention decline and information recall in older adults
Secondary abstract: Our survey tested whether certain selected cognitive abilities of the elderly can be influenced by an experimental intervention, and whether their health mark would improve after the experiment. The experiment included 80 elderly people, randomly divided into four groups. In the experimental groups they did exercises for aerobic endurance development, cognitive exercises, or a combination of both. Group four was our control group. To check the results the recall word test was used, which helped us check working and long-term memory, the Stroop test to check selective attention and processing speed as well as working memory; the test for digit memorizing was used to verify attention and short-term memory. Our survey established positive effects of exercise onto aerobic endurance development, as well as positive effects of aerobic endurance exercise with added cognitive exercise onto working and long-term memory; with cognitive exercise testees this only affected long-term memory. In group that did exercises for aerobic endurance development the testees also improved the inhibition of irrelevant triggers. No influence onto attention span or short-term memory has been observed in any of the groups. With physical exercise intervention we did not see affect the selfevaluation of health, which is used to check body functions and the psychological quality of life. The results v of our survey confirm that proactive behaviour combined with suitable physical and cognitive exercise is essential for quality ageing.
Secondary keywords: the elderly;physical activity;cognitive capacity;memory;graduation thesis;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: XII, 266 f.
ID: 23140483