nekaj pomembnejših ugotovitev
Tilka Jamnik (Author), Manca Perko (Author)


Referat predstavlja najpomembnejše ugotovitve iz triletne raziskave, ki je potekala v okviru Ciljnega raziskovalnega programa Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006. Zbrani podatki med mladimi bralci in mentorji bralne značke nudijo pregled o delovanju bralne značke na slovenskih osnovnih šolah in njeno prepletanje s poukom (slovenščine), z obšolskimi dejavnostmi in delovanjem (šolske) knjižnice. Potrdilo se je, da sta za učence v osnovni šoli najmočnejša motivatorja za branje pri bralni znački prost izbor knjig, torej knjig po njihovih željah in interesih, ter pogovor o prebranem z vrstniki (bralni klub). Uspešno jih motivirata tudi obisk ustvarjalca (mladinske) književnosti in pogovor v knjižni klepetalnici na internetu, motivacijska gradiva Bralne značke pa so lahko dober vir bralnih spodbud tako za bralca kot za mentorja. Pokazalo se je, da mentorji za uspešno delo potrebujejo boljše informiranje in dodatno izobraževanje. Med drugim je raziskava potrdila, da je pomembna dostopnost bralnih gradiv v šolski knjižnici in njeno sodelovanje s splošno knjižnico.


pouk književnosti;osnovne šole;branje;bralne zmožnosti;motivacija;bralna značka;bralni klub;šolska knjižnica;literarne študije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 0 - Not set
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 373.3(497.4):028.3
COBISS: 72064866 Link will open in a new window
Views: 9
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The key results are presented of a three-year research project that took place within the framework of the targeted research programme Slovenia's Competitiveness 2001-2006. The data on young readers and their mentors offer an insight into the functioning of the reading badge scheme in Slovene primary schools and its integration into the teaching of Slovene, extra-curricular activities and the functioning of school and other libraries. It was confirmed that, for primary school pupils, the key motivators for reading within the reading badge scheme are a free selection of books, i.e. books reflecting pupils' own tastes and interests, and discussion of what they have read with their peers (reading clubs). They are also motivated by visits by writers of children's literature and discussion in a literary chatroom on the Internet, while reading badge motivational material can be a source of inspiration for both readers and their mentors. It was also shown that mentors, to work successfully, need to be better informed and require additional training. The research underlined the importance of the accessibility of the reading material in the school library, as well as cooperation between school libraries and general libraries.
Secondary keywords: teaching literature;primary schools;reading;reading abilities;motivation;reading badge;book club;school library;
Pages: Str. 455-467
ID: 23179634
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