magistrsko delo
Tajda Rimc (Author), Vesna Leskošek (Mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti stopnjo zadovoljstva staršev otrok iz osnovnih šol v občini Sevnica s šolsko svetovalno službo v času epidemije covida-19 in po njej. Teoretični uvod se deli na dva dela, kjer se prvi del nanaša na šolsko svetovalno službo, drugi pa na epidemijo covida-19 v Sloveniji. V prvem delu teoretičnega uvoda najprej na kratko predstavim zgodovinski razvoj šolske svetovalne službe, nato podrobneje opredelim šolsko svetovalno službo, kot jo poznamo danes, njene glavne dejavnosti in področja dela ter vlogo socialnega dela v njej. Drugi del teoretičnega uvoda je posvečen epidemiji covida-19, predvsem opisu nalog in izzivov šolske svetovalne službe, vlogi socialnega dela in sodelovanju šolske svetovalne službe s starši v tem času. V empiričnem delu želim ugotoviti, ali se je potreba staršev po stikih s šolsko svetovalno službo v času epidemije covida-19 povečala in kateri so bili glavni razlogi za povečane potrebe po stikih, kako starši ocenjujejo uspešnost šolske svetovalne službe glede obvladovanja nastale situacije, kakšno je bilo zadovoljstvo staršev z njihovim delom ter ali starši ocenjujejo, da so po končani epidemiji covida-19 nastale pozitivne spremembe v delu šolske svetovalne službe in sodelovanju staršev z omenjeno službo. Izvedem kvantitativno raziskavo na neslučajnostnem vzorcu 165 oseb oziroma staršev otrok, ki so eno od osnovnih šol v občini Sevnica obiskovali že v času epidemije covida-19, torej v šolskem letu 2020/21, in hkrati tudi v šolskem letu 2022/23, torej po epidemiji. Podatke zberem s pomočjo spletne ankete. Ugotovim, da je večina staršev med epidemijo covida-19 sodelovala s šolsko svetovalno službo, najpogosteje pa so se nanjo obračali zaradi pomoči pri uporabi informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (dostopnost računalniške opreme, uporaba programa Zoom in drugih video aplikacij) ter zaradi iskanja nasvetov glede šolanja od doma in težav otrok pri sledenju pouka na daljavo. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da so vprašani starši po epidemiji covida-19 s šolsko svetovalno službo v stiku pogosteje kot pred njo. Vprašani starši so se v večini strinjali, da so se šolske svetovalne delavke z nastalo situacijo, ki jo je prinesla epidemija covida-19, spoprijemale dobro, večina pa jih je bilo posledično s podporo šolske svetovalne službe v času epidemije covida-19 zadovoljnih. Vprašani v večini vidijo tudi pozitivne spremembe, ki jih je k delu šolske svetovalne službe prinesla epidemija covida-19, večina pa jih meni, da je mogoče pozitivne spremembe najbolj opaziti v organiziranju večjega števila preventivnih delavnic na temo stisk, ki jih je povzročila epidemija, in v lažjem vzpostavljanju stikov (več različnih oblik in načinov komunikacije). Podrobnejše rezultate raziskave predstavim v analizi in obrazložim v razpravi. Sledijo sklepi in predloge ter priloge.


šolska svetovalna služba;šolsko svetovalno delo;socialno delo;epidemija covida-19;izredne razmere;osnovna šola;starši;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [T. Rimc]
UDC: 37.091.12:364-051
COBISS: 207724035 Link will open in a new window
Views: 546
Downloads: 53
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Satisfaction with the school counseling service during and after the Covid-19 epidemic in the municipality of Sevnica
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis is aiming to determine the level of satisfaction of parents, who have children in one of the primary schools in the municipality of Sevnica, with the school counselling service during and after the Covid-19 epidemic. The theoretical introduction is divided into two parts, where the first part relates to the school counselling service and the second part to the Covid-19 epidemic in Slovenia. In the first part of the theoretical introduction, I first briefly present the historical development of the school counselling service, then define in more detail the school counselling service as we know today, present its activities and areas of work and the role of social work in it. The second part of the theoretical introduction is devoted to the Covid-19 epidemic, especially describing the tasks and challenges of school counselling services, the role of social work and the cooperation of the school counselling service with parents during this time. In the empirical part, I want to find out whether the need for parents to contact school counselling services during the Covid-19 epidemic increased and what were the main reasons for the increased need for contacts, how parents assess the performance of the school counselling service in terms of managing the situation, how satisfied parents were with their work and whether parents estimate that positive changes have occurred since the end of the Covid-19 epidemic in the work of school counselling services and in the cooperation of parents with the service. I carry out a quantitative survey on a non-random sample of 165 persons or parents of children who already attended one of the primary schools in the municipality of Sevnica during the Covid-19 epidemic, i.e. in the school year 2020/21, and also in the school year 2022/23, i.e. after the epidemic. I collect the data through an online survey. I find out that most parents collaborated with school counselling services during the Covid-19 epidemic and that most often they turned to it for help with using ICT (accessibility of computer equipment, use of Zoom and other video applications), many of them also to seek advice on schooling from home and because of children's problems with distance schooling. Results also show that after the Covid-19 epidemic, parents are more likely to contact the school counselling service than before. The majority of the questioned parents agreed that school counsellors coped well with the situation brought about by the Covid-19 epidemic, and that most of them were consequently satisfied with the support of school counselling services during the Covid-19 epidemic. Respondents in the majority also see the positive changes brought about by the Covid-19 epidemic to the work of school counselling services, and most of them believe that positive changes can be noticed especially in organizing a large number of preventive workshops on the topic of distress brought about by the epidemic and in facilitating contacts (several different forms and modes of communication). More detailed results of the survey are presented in the analysis and explained in the discussion. This is followed by conclusions, proposals and appendices.
Secondary keywords: school counselling service;Covid-19 epidemic;social work in extreme circumstances;parents;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 60 str.
ID: 23394077