diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu sem preizkusil sintezne metode za pripravo srebrovih kompleksov s spiroanalogom tiosečnine, ki jih je v sklopu svojega diplomskega dela predlagal Marko Bunarkić. Poskusil sem sintetizirati komplekse srebra in cikloheksil triazolidintiona v razmerjih 1:4 in 1:3, srebra, cikloheksil triazilidintiona in fenantrolina v razmerju 1:1:1 ter srebra, cikloheksil triazilidintiona in trifenilfosfina v razmerju 1:1:1. Kompleks s trifenilfosfinom mi je uspelo sintentizirati, pri ostalih kompleksih so nastali drugačni produkti od pričakovanih.
srebrovi kompleksi;2-metiltiosemikarbazid;cikloheksil triazilidintion;protimikrobno delovanje;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2024 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology |
Publisher: |
[G. Mesec] |
UDC: |
546.57:547.496.3(043.2) |
Views: |
30 |
Downloads: |
3 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Synthesis and characterization of silver complexes with a spyro analog of thiourea |
Secondary abstract: |
In my thesis I tested the synthetic methods for the preparation of silver complexes with the thiourea spiroanalogue proposed by Marko Bunarkić as part of his thesis. I attempted to synthesise complexes of silver and cyclohexyl triazolidinedione in 1:4 and 1:3 ratios, silver, cyclohexyl triazolidinedione and phenanthroline in 1:1:1 ratio and silver, cyclohexyl triazolidinedione and triphenylphosphine in 1:1:1 ratio. I was able to synthesise the complex with triphenylphosphine, but the other syntheses resulted in different products than expected. |
Secondary keywords: |
silver;silver complexes;2-methylthiosemicarbazide;cyclohexyl trializidinethione;Srebro;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
1000374 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, VSŠ Kemijska tehnologija |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (27 str.)) |
ID: |
23403224 |