diplomsko delo
Marko Žuran (Author), Marko Šibila (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili predvsem na tipične kombinacije, ki jih rokometne ekipe uporabljajo pri svojih taktičnih izvedbah proti različnim conskim obrambam. Ker se rokometna igra ves čas razvija in spreminja, smo se odločili za pregled nekaterih kombinacij, ki se uporabljajo v sodobnem rokometu. Pomagali smo si predvsem s sodobno tehnologijo, videovsebinami in strokovno literaturo. Najprej smo te temeljito pregledali in opazili, kako se rokomet skozi čas igra, razvija in kakšni so trendi razvoja - vsaka rokometna ekipa ima svoj način tehnično-taktične priprave. Za uspešnost igre v napadu je pomembno poznati značilnosti posamezne conske obrambe, zato smo poudarek dali predvsem na dominantni conski obrambi v tem trenutku 5 : 1 in 6 : 0. Vsako izmed njih smo predstavili, prikazali dobre in slabe lastnosti obrambe. Tako smo s pridobljenim znanjem lahko opisali značilnosti določene obrambe, kje so šibke točke in na podlagi tega pripravili pravilne smernice taktike napadanja. Najpomembnejše je, da so kombinacije enostavne za razumevanje in enostavne za pripravo. Z njimi potem lažje pridemo do zaključnih strelov in ugodnejšega položaja za strel na gol. Kombinacije so pomembne za začetek napadanja, saj so vsi igralci nevarni za dosego gola. V igri rokometa je pomembna tudi improvizacija napadanja, saj nikoli ne vemo, kako bo odreagirala obramba na določeno kombinacijo in nas želela presenetiti. Predvsem je pomembno, da igralce navajamo na neprestano nevarno igro za strel na gol. Tako bo kombinacija dobila smisel in bo uspešno izvedena.


diplomska dela;rokomet;obramba;napad;taktika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Žuran]
UDC: 796.322(043.2)
COBISS: 198508547 Link will open in a new window
Views: 37
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Properties of the offensive play against the zone defense in handball
Secondary abstract: This thesis is primarily focused on the typical combinations used by handball teams in their tactical executions against various zone defences. Given the constant evolution and changes within the game of handball, we decided to review combinations currently utilized in modern handball. The contemporary technologies, video content, and scholarly literature were leveraged to aid the analysis that was carried out. Initially, these resources were thoroughly examined in order to understand the evolvement of handball over time and the trends in its development - each team employs its unique technical and tactical preparation methods. Understanding the characteristics of each zone defence is crucial for effective offensive play, hence the contemporary dominant zone defences were particularly emphasized, meaning the 5 : 1 and 6 : 0 formations. The strengths and weaknesses of these defences were explored and outlined. The knowledge acquired in such a way enabled description of the features of certain defence types, identifying their vulnerabilities, and based on this, preparation of the correct tactical guidelines for offensive strategies. It is essential that these combinations are simple to understand and easy to implement. They facilitate achieving final shots and a more favourable goal-shooting position. The beginning of the offensive phase is crucial as all players pose a threat to score a goal. Moreover, the improvisation in attacking plays a significant role as the defence's reaction to a particular combination can be unpredictable, aiming to surprise. It is important to train players to continually engage in dangerous play aimed at scoring a goal. Thus, the combination will be meaningful and executed successfully.
Secondary keywords: theses;handball;defense;attack;tactics;Rokomet;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za športno treniranje
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 49 str.))
ID: 23490787