magistrsko delo
Sašo Tadina (Author), Bojan Rupnik (Mentor), Tomaž Kramberger (Co-mentor)


S simulacijo diskretnih dogodkov smo preverjali delovanje logističnih procesov v novem formatu skladišča. Izbrano podjetje se je namreč odločilo za širitev proizvodnih kapacitet z vpeljavo novih proizvodnih linij. Podjetje se je odločilo, da nove linije umesti na prostore obstoječega visoko regalnega skladišča embalaže. Ta sprememba pomeni reorganizacijo celotne interne logistike v podjetju, zato smo se odločili, da predlagano rešitev pred dejansko implementacijo, preverimo v simulacijskem okolju. Simulirali smo 5 variant, kjer smo spreminjali vhodne parametre ter preverjali uspešnost oskrbovanja proizvodnih linij iz novega formata skladišča embalaže. Simulacija je vključevala različne vidike, kot so kapaciteta skladišč, pretok materialov, transportna sredstva in vpliv sprememb na delovno silo. Kljub prilagoditvam vhodnih spremenljivk v simulaciji, rezultati niso izpolnili pričakovanj podjetja. Časi oskrbe proizvodnih linij z embalažo so presegali sprejemljive meje, kar kaže na potrebo po nadaljnjem raziskovanju alternativnih rešitev in transformaciji celotne interne logistike. Izbran simulacijski pristop nam je omogočil preučitev različnih scenarijev ter zagotovil pomembne informacije o procesih pred njihovo dejansko implementacijo.


interna logistika;oskrba proizvodnje;simulacija diskretnih dogodkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [S. Tadina]
UDC: 004.942:658.5(043.2)
COBISS: 200791043 Link will open in a new window
Views: 7
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Simulation of logistics processes in the new packaging warehouse format
Secondary abstract: We used discrete event simulation to assess the operation of logistic processes in the new warehouse format. The selected company decided to expand its production capacities by introducing new production lines. The company decided to place the new lines within the premises of the existing high rack packaging warehouse. This change entails a reorganization of the entire internal logistics within the company. Therefore, we decided to verify the proposed solution in a simulation environment, using discrete event simulation. We simulated 5 variants, adjusting input parameters and assessing the success of supplying production lines from the new format of the packaging warehouse. The simulation included various aspects such as warehouse capacity, material flow, transportation means, and the impact of changes on the workforce. Despite adjustments to input variables in the simulation, the results did not meet the company's expectations. Replenishment of production lines with packing materials, exceeded acceptable limits, indicating the need for further exploration of alternative solutions and transformation of the entire internal logistics. The chosen simulation approach allowed us to examine different scenarios and provided crucial insights into processes before their actual implementation.
Secondary keywords: internal logistics;production replenishment;discrete event simulation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XII, 67 str.))
ID: 23823843
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