Secondary abstract: |
The thesis includes support for information system of GEN-I d.o.o.. To develop a new information system, the company chose mainly because the way of processing data in the past was too risky and time-consuming process. Information system allows quality import data and produce reports on the various errors in the data and offers a range of options for the administration of single information system. For users are also avaliable other tools, designed to facilitate its work in the import file and obtain additional information that are critical to their work.
In the initial chapter I presented the matter in question, the company Istrabenz Gorenje d.o.o. and one of its subsidiaries GEN-I d.o.o., which enabled me the performance of thesis. Followed by an analysis of the area, including a description of the acquisition of the import file and the advantages offered by new information system. The planning phase I presented data model and some examples of technologies that I draw on them in making the dissertation itself. For the most part I focused mainly on applications IGPIS presentation, which is due to better management, divided into four modules. They are also presented and described in detail all the procedures that allow the user to successfully import data.
Due to large amounts of data, which the company receives daily, this informatic system is very suitable solution for the relief work of end users. |