Secondary abstract: |
This diploma thesis presents a solution for quick deployment of virtual infrastructure on the OpenStack platform using OpenStack Heat. The topics of cloud computing and virtualization are briefly introduced at the start, as is the OpenStack platform. Given is also the description of the solution in the form of a Heat template and scripts implemented in Bash shell. The solution enables quick creation of tenant’s virtual infrastructure with one command, deletion of tenant’s infrastructure is made equally simple. In the creation process, for each tenant three instances are created, which are connected into a private network. A virtual router connects them to the supplied external network. Heat component is also used to configure instances with software packages, like bind9 and dnsutils. In the process of implementation, Heat turned out to be a powerful tool, which can also be used in the education process. Because Heat is still in the early stages of development, a few problems arose, but could be worked around. This work also describes the setup of testing environment used to test the solution. Testing environment is set up using the Devstack project. Based on this testing setup, the procedure for checking proper operation is also described. The conclusion presents the most important findings and ideas for further development. Enclosed is also the source code in the form of a Heat template and scripts in Bash shell. Heat proved to be a very suitable tool for the problem at hand, but usefulness is expected to be even greater, when the project reaches maturity in subsequent releases of OpenStack. |