Peter Scherber (Author)


V devetdesetih letih 19. stoletja je med kratkimi proznimi vrstami kot nadvse privlačna in popularna vrsta nastala črtica (Skizze). Z deli Petra Altenberga je tudi zunaj Dunaja delovala na oblikovanje stila "živčne" proze v času naglega življenja. Značilne za črtico so kratkost, odprta forma, močna, skoraj popolna redukcija naracije in težnja v sinestetično mešanje disparatnih področij zaznavanja. To "begotno" prozno obliko je še okrepilo nastajanje novih ilustriranih časopisov z masovnimi nakladami. Ivan Cankar je črtico obvladal že v zgodnjih dunajskih letih in jo samostojno razvijal naprej vse do Podob iz sanj. Iz letečih posnetkov trenutka na začetku so pri njem črtice postale avtonomne, vase zaprte besedilne miniature. Natančnost izraza in resnobnost v izbiri teme v njih zahteva, da to besedilno vrsto na novo definiramo. V nadaljevanju sta se v tradicijo cankarjanske črtice umestila predvsem Srečko Kosovel in Slavko Grum.


slovenska književnost;kratka pripovedna proza;kratka proza;črtica;skica;20. st.;moderna;literarne študije;Cankar;Ivan;1876-1918;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 0 - Not set
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 821.163.6.09-32"189/190"
COBISS: 71906914 Link will open in a new window
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the 1890s one of the most attractive and popular short prose forms was the sketch. Through the works of Peter Altenberg this form influenced beyond Vienna the style of "nervous" prose in this era of an ever faster pace of life. The sketch is characterised by brevity, openness of form, a marked or even total reduction of narrative and a tendency towards a synaesthesic mixing of disparate fields of perception. This "transitory" prose form was strengthened by the appearance of new large circulation illustrated papers. Ivan Cankar had already mastered the sketch during his early Vienna years and continued to develop it right up to Dream Images. In his writings the sketch matured from fleeting recordings of the moment into autonomous, self-contained miniatures in words. The precision of expression and gravity of selected themes demand that we redefine this genre.The tradition of the sketch shaped by Cankar was continued most noticeably by Srečko Kosovel and Slavko Grum.
Secondary keywords: Slovene literature;short narrative prose;short story;sketch;20th century;moderna;
Pages: Str. 291-297
ID: 24207426