diplomsko delo
Neža Lukanc (Author), Darja Thaler (Reviewer), Suzana Mlinar (Mentor)


Uvod: Zdravje je temelj kakovostnega življenja. Nanj poleg ostalih determinant vpliva tudi življenjski slog, ki vključuje zdravju naklonjena ali škodljiva obnašanja. Ko govorimo o zdravju žensk, moramo upoštevati spremembe, ki jih doživljajo skozi različna življenjska obdobja ter zdravstvena stanja, ki so pri ženskem spolu pogostejša ali se izražajo drugače. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti dejavnike življenjskega sloga, ki vplivajo na zdravje žensk. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom literature, ki smo jo iskali v podatkovnih bazah Medline in CINAHL s ključnimi besedami v angleškem jeziku: women (female), nutrition (diet), physical activity (exercise), alcohol, tobacco (smoking), sleep, health. Iskanje je potekalo med januarjem in marcem 2024. V analizo smo vključili 22 člankov. Rezultati: Prehrana pomembno vpliva na srčno-žilno zdravje, zdravje kosti, imunski sistem in pojav sladkorne bolezni. Fizična aktivnost je povezana z boljšo telesno pripravljenostjo, vzdržljivostjo in mišično močjo, večjo kostno gostoto ter hormonskim ravnovesjem. Alkohol in tobak predstavljata tveganje za kronične nenalezljive bolezni. Ena od posledic pomanjkanja spanja je debelost, medtem ko trajanje spanja povezujejo s kognitivnim upadom. Razprava in zaključek: Zdrav življenjski slog koristi splošnemu dobremu počutju, ohranja vitalnost in vpliva na pojav bolezni. Dejavniki se med seboj prepletajo. Vedenja, kot so uživanje uravnotežene prehrane, zadostna telesna aktivnost, izogibanje tveganim snovem in skrb za spanje, predstavljajo velik korak pri doseganju optimalnega zdravja žensk.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;prehrana;telesna dejavnost;alkohol;kajenje;spanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [N. Lukanc]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 199329283 Link will open in a new window
Views: 72
Downloads: 22
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of lifestyle factors on women's health
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Health presents the foundation for a quality life. It is influenced by lifestyle, which includes both health-promoting and harmful behaviours, among other determinants. Talking about women's health, we need to consider the changes they experience at different stages of their lives and the health conditions that are more common or manifest differently in female sex. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present lifestyle factors that influence women's health. Methods: We used descriptive method of work with a literature review. The literature was searched in two databases: Medline and CINAHL, using the following keywords in English: women (female), nutrition (diet), physical activity (exercise), alcohol, tobacco (smoking), sleep, health. The search was conducted between January and March 2024. Together, 22 articles were included. Results: Diet has a significant impact on cardiovascular health, bone health, immune system and the occurrence of diabetes. Physical activity is associated with better fitness, endurance and muscle strength, increased bone density and hormonal balance. Alcohol and tobacco pose a risk of chronic non-communicable diseases. Sleep deprivation can result in obesity, while sleep duration is associated with cognitive decline. Discussion and conclusion: A healthy lifestyle is beneficial for overall well-being. It maintains vitality and reduces the risk of disease. Lifestyle factors are intertwined. Behaviours such as eating balanced diet, being physically active, avoiding risky substances and getting the right amount of sleep present a big step towards optimal health for women.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;nutrition;physical activity;alcohol;smoking;sleep;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 30 str.
ID: 24373255