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Urška Nabergoj (Author), Irena Hočevar-Boltežar (Mentor), Janez Jerman (Co-mentor)


Popolna laringektomija predstavlja glavni način zdravljenja napredovalih in ponavljajočih se vrst raka grla in spodnjega žrela. Operacija okrni osnovne življenjske funkcije bolnika, kar hkrati vpliva na njegovo psihološko stanje. Kot največjo oviro po odstranitvi grla pacienti navajajo spremenjen način govora, ki povzroča komunikacijske težave, in posledično izogibanje socialnim situacijam. Čeprav se lahko prisotnost in obsežnost komunikacijskih težav pacienta deloma oceni z osnovnimi tehnikami (perceptivno in/ali z akustično analizo), te metode ne vključujejo perspektive pacienta, ki se pogosto razlikuje od ocene logopeda. V načrtovanje in evalvacijo terapije je torej potrebno vključiti bolnikovo mnenje, ki ga lahko izrazi prek vprašalnikov za samooceno oviranosti ali kvalitete življenja. Nekateri vprašalniki se osredotočajo le na kvaliteto glasu ali niso prilagojeni specifiki laringektomiranih oseb, zato ne izražajo točnega komunikacijskega stanja. V ta namen je bil razvit vprašalnik Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences after Laryngectomy (SECEL), ki ocenjuje izkušnje posameznika s komunikacijo po odstranitvi grla in je bil do sedaj preveden v več jezikov. Originalen vprašalnik SECEL smo v magistrskem delu prevedli v slovenščino, ga ustrezno prilagodili in preverjali njegovo veljavnost ter zanesljivost na slovenski klinični populaciji. V raziskavo smo vključili 58 laringektomiranih oseb, operiranih pred najmanj devetimi meseci, ki so analogno izpolnile preveden vprašalnik. Vsebinsko veljavnost smo potrdili z izračunom Lawshejevega razmerja vsebinske veljavnosti, ki je za celoten vprašalnik znašal 0,89, konstruktno veljavnost pa z eksplorativno faktorsko analizo, ki je postavke razdelila v tri faktorje. Visoko stopnjo zanesljivosti smo dokazali s Cronbach alfa koeficientom, ki je za celoten vprašalnik znašal 0,944. Za vsako izmed podlestvic in celoten vprašalnik smo izračunali koeficient variacije, ki je pokazal srednje do visoke stopnje diskriminativnosti ocenjevalnih lestvic in zmerno stopnjo diskriminativnosti celotnega vprašalnika. Za vsako postavko smo izračunali indeks diskriminativnosti, ki je pokazal, da vse postavke z izjemo ene dobro razlikujejo med udeleženci. Izračunali smo Pearsonov koeficient, ki je pokazal zmerno do visoko stopnjo povezanosti med posameznimi podlestvicami. Preverili smo tudi učinek stropa in tal, ki v naši raziskavi ni bil prisoten. Preverili smo tudi, ali se dosežen rezultat na testu razlikuje glede na spol, starost, metodo komunikacije, čas od operacije in vrsto govorne terapije (individualna/skupinska). Razlike med skupinami so se sicer pojavljale, vendar v nobenem primeru niso bile statistično pomembne. Zaključili smo, da je v slovenščino preveden vprašalnik SECEL zanesljiv in veljaven instrument ter tako primeren za uporabo v slovenskem kliničnem prostoru.


rak grla;komunikacija po laringektomiji;vprašalnik SECEL;veljavnost;zanesljivost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Nabergoj]
UDC: 616.22-089.85(043.2)
COBISS: 200939011 Link will open in a new window
Views: 71
Downloads: 11
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Validity and reliability of the Slovenian translation of the questionnaire on communication experiences after laryngectomy
Secondary abstract: Total laryngectomy is the main (primary?) treatment method for advanced and recurrent laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers. This surgery significantly affects the patient's basic essential functions, which in turn impacts their psychological state. Patients report altered speech patterns as the biggest obstacle after a laryngectomy, which causes communication problems and consequently, avoidance of social situations. Although the presence and extent of the patient's communication problems can be partially assessed using basic techniques (perceptual and/or acoustic analysis), these methods do not include the patient's perspective, which is often different from that of the speech-language pathologist. The patient's opinion, which may be expressed through self-assessment questionnaires on impairment or quality of life, should therefore be included in the planning and evaluation of therapy. Some questionnaires focus only on voice quality or are not adapted to the specificities of laryngectomized individuals and thus do not reflect the exact state of communication. For this purpose, the SECEL questionnaire (Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences after Laryngectomy) was developed to record the communication experiences of a person after laryngectomy and has so far been translated into several languages. In this master's thesis, the original SECEL questionnaire was translated into Slovenian and tested for validity and reliability on the Slovenian clinical population. The study included 58 laryngectomized subjects who had undergone surgery at least nine months prior to completing the paper questionnaire. Content validity was confirmed by calculating the Lawshe content validity ratio, which was 0.89 for the entire questionnaire, and construct validity was also demonstrated by an exploratory factor analysis in which the items were divided into three factors. A high degree of reliability was demonstrated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which amounted to 0.944 for the entire questionnaire. The coefficient of variation was calculated for each of the subscales and the entire questionnaire. It showed a moderate to high degree of discrimination of the subscales and a moderate degree of discrimination of the entire questionnaire. The calculated discriminability index showed that except one, all items exhibited good discriminability between the participants. The Pearson coefficient was calculated and showed a moderate to high correlation between the subscales. The floor and ceiling effect was also examined but found to be absent. It was also analysed whether the obtained test results varied according to gender, age, communication method, time since surgery and type of speech therapy (individual/group therapy). Although there were some differences between the groups, they were not statistically significant in any case. The study concluded that the Slovenian version of the SECEL questionnaire is both a reliable and valid instrument and therefore suitable for use in the Slovenian clinical setting.
Secondary keywords: laryngeal cancer;communication after laryngectomy;SECEL questionnaire;validity;reliability;Laringektomija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Logopedija in surdopedagogika
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 84 str.))
ID: 24518452