diplomsko delo
Jakob Kosec (Author), Janez Podobnik (Mentor), Sebastjan Šlajpah (Co-mentor)


Podjetja imajo vse večje težave pri odločanju ali naj se posamezen proces avtomatizira ali ne. Procesov za odločanje je več. Eden izmed ključnih podatkov je čas cikla, ki ga bomo dosegli z avtomatiziranim procesom. Pri določanju tega časa si lahko pomagamo z računalniško simulacijo. V tem delu smo opredelili proces, ki ga bomo avtomatizirali, ga razdelili na naloge in postaje, ki pripadajo posameznim nalogam. Na modelu celice s postajami smo razvili simulacijo, za oceno časa cikla, potrditev konstrukcije celice, postavitev robotov v okolje in obremenitev robotov. Simulacija celice vsebuje dva robota Stäubli TS2-60 in je bila sprogramirana v programskem okolju Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022. Med razvojem simulacije smo opazili, da so podstavki robotov prenizki. To smo sporočili konstrukterju, kar nam je prihranilo številne težave pri zagonu realne celice. V simulaciji smo odpravili trke med robotoma in druge pomanjkljivosti. Zahtevan čas cikla je bil 14 sekund, simulacija robotske celice je dosegla povprečen čas cikla 11,39 sekund. Simulacija je zadostila največjem sprejemljivem času cikla, zato je bilo konstruiranje celice, katero smo simulirali, potrjeno. Simulacija nam je pri programiranju realne celice predstavljala dobro osnovo za nadaljno integracijo.


industrija;avtomatizacija;simulacija;robotika;programiranje;univerzitetni študij;Elektrotehnika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [J. Kosec]
UDC: 004.94:007.52(043.2)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 201149955 Link will open in a new window
Views: 87
Downloads: 17
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Developing an automated manufacturing process through simulation
Secondary abstract: Companies have continually larger problems with deciding to automate a certain process or not. There are many processess that support decision making. One of the key insights is the cycle time we can achieve with an automatized process. Computer simulation can help us predict that time. In this thesis we defined the processed to be automated, split it into several tasks and stations that belong to each task. We developed a simulation in which we tested the cycle time of the robot, confirmed the construction of the cell, placed the robots in the enviorment and applied load to the robots. The simulation contains two robots Stäubli TS2-60 and was programmed in Stäubli Robotics Suite 2022. While developing the simulation we noticed that the robot bases were too low. We informed the constructer of the cell, which helped us avoid many issues with launching the cell into operation. In the simulation, we removed collisions between robots and other shortcomings. The required cycle time was 14 seconds and our simulation achieved an average cycle time of 11,39 seconds. The simulation achieved a time that was less than the maximum viable cycle time, therfore the construction and launch of the cell we simulated was confirmed. The simulation served as a good foundation for further programing of the cell.
Secondary keywords: Industry;automation;simulation;robotics;programing.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000313
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XVI, 36 str.))
ID: 24524859