diplomsko delo
Taisa Lin Smrekar (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Za podjetja je ključno uspešno upravljanje odnosov s strankami. Svoji obstoječi stranki, lahko namreč ponudijo hitre in učinkovite rešitve ter jo zadržijo kot plačljivo stranko. Rešitve CRM podjetjem pomagajo tudi z analizo preteklih aktivnosti strank in z napovedjo prihodnjih trendov. S hitrim razvojem in večjo vključenostjo postaja umetna inteligenca pomembna tudi v CRM rešitvah. Vodilni ponudniki jo vedno bolj vključujejo v svoje rešitve, saj pomaga s podrobnejšo analizo strank. Na tak način lahko v podjetjih lažje predvidevajo prihodnje želje strank in jih tudi uresničijo. Pripomore tudi k avtomatizaciji, kar lajša delo zaposlenih ter jim prepušča več časa za osredotočanje na stranke in na njihovo zadovoljstvo z izdelkom ali storitvijo. Zaradi teh razlogov smo si za primerjalno analizo izbrali vodilna ponudnika CRM rešitev Microsoft Dynamics 365 in Salesforce. Oba svoje rešitve nadgrajujeta z orodji umetne inteligence in se tako povzpenjata na sam vrh. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene CRM rešitve, umetna inteligenca in njihova vedno tesnejša povezava. Izpostavljene so ključne podobnosti in razlike med izbranima CRM rešitvama ponudnikov Microsoft in Salesforce glede na arhitekturo, funkcionalnosti, uporabo umetne inteligence in izobraževanja o rešitvi.


informacijske rešitve;CRM;upravljanje odnosov s strankami;umetna inteligenca;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: T. L. Smrekar
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 209067267 Link will open in a new window
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of CRM solutions MS Dynamics 365 and Salesforce and the effects of artificial intelligence
Secondary abstract: Effective customer relationship management is crucial for businesses. By knowing their customers, companies can offer them fast and effective solutions and retain them as paying customers. CRM solutions can also help companies analyse past customer activity and predict future trends. With the rapid development and growing importance of artificial intelligence, it is also becoming more and more important in CRM solutions. Leading vendors are increasingly integrating it into their solutions, as it helps with more detailed customer analysis. In this way, companies can better anticipate future customer needs and make them happen. It also helps with automation, which makes employees' jobs easier and leaves them more time to focus on the customers themselves and their satisfaction with the product or service. For these reasons, we have chosen the leading CRM solution providers Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Salesforce. Both are reaching for the top with developing solutions with artificial intelligence tools. This paper presents CRM solutions, artificial intelligence and their increasingly close relationship. We highlighted the key similarities and differences between the selected vendors' of CRM solutions, Microsoft and Salesforce, in terms of architecture, functionalities, use of artificial intelligence and training for the solution.
Secondary keywords: Customer relationship management;artificial intelligence;Microsoft Dynamics 365;Salesforce.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (III, 50 str.))
ID: 24630463