magistrsko delo


V magistrskem delu predstavim načrtovanje in izvedbo aktivnosti z gimnazijskimi dijaki. Aktivnost je namenjena pridobivanju in poglabljanju znanja o optiki in lomu svetlobe. Aktivnost je izvedena v obliki enkratnega srečanja v živo z dijaki tretjega letnika splošne gimnazije, razdeljenimi v manjše skupine. Dijaki raziščejo pojav disperzije bele svetlobe pri prehodu skozi stekleno prizmo v okviru poučevalnega modela ISLE. V uvodu je predstavljeno teoretično ozadje raziskovanega pojava, lastno raziskovanje pojava in izvedba opazovalnega poskusa z dvema oddelkoma dijakov drugega letnika gimnazije, ki nudi vpogled v dijaški način razmišljanja. V nadaljevanju opišem sestavo in izvedbo aktivnosti, ki jo izvedem z dijaki tretjega letnika. Opišem dijaške odzive in komentarje ob izvedbi aktivnosti ter celoten potek srečanja. Na podlagi ugotovitev izvedem analizo, pri kateri za vrednotenje podatkov uporabljam tabele za samoevalvacijo, ki so jih razvili raziskovalci na Univerzi Rutgers. V zaključku izpostavim težave, s katerimi se dijaki srečajo pri izvedbi aktivnosti in predlagam izboljšave, za katere menim, da bi pripomogle k izboljšanju poteka aktivnosti in optimizirale raziskovalni proces skupin.


fizika;aktivno učenje;srednja šola;optika;disperzija svetlobe;prizma;znanstvenoraziskovalno učno okolje;ISLE;samoevalvacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Publisher: [J. Slejko Ljubišič]
UDC: 37.091.3:535
COBISS: 202449667 Link will open in a new window
Views: 32
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Research-supported development of activity in the field of optics - dispersion
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis, I present the planning and implementation of an activity designed for grammar school students. The activity is aimed at acquiring and deepening knowledge about optics and refraction of light. The activity takes place in the form of a one-time live meeting with third-year grammar school students and takes place in the form of group work. Based on the ISLE approach, students investigate the dispersion of white light passing through a glass prism. The beginning of the thesis covers the theoretical background of the investigated phenomenon, my own investigation of the phenomenon and the implementation of an observational experiment with two classes of second-year grammar school students, which gives an insight into students' way of thinking. In the following, I describe the composition and execution of the activity, carried out with the third-year students. I describe the students' reactions and comments during the activity and the entire course of the meeting. Based on the findings, I perform an analysis of their work, in which I use self-assesment rubrics developed by researchers at Rutgers University to evaluate the data. In the conclusion, I identify and highlight the challenges students encounter during the activity and propose improvements that would enhance the activity and optimize the research processes within the groups.
Secondary keywords: physics;active learning;high school;optics;dispersion of light;prism;investigative science learning environment;self-assesment;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za matematiko in fiziko, Oddelek za fiziko
Pages: 93 str.
ID: 24644191