(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Nina Sraka (Author), Luka Mišič (Mentor)


Socialna varnost pomeni (javno) varnost dohodka v primerih uresničitve socialnih tveganj, ki zaradi povzročitve izpada dohodka ali povečanja življenjskih stroškov poslabšajo posameznikov socialno-ekonomski položaj. Magistrska diplomska naloga prikazuje pomen pravice do socialne varnosti, pri čemer se osredotoča na socialno varnost delavcev, ki delo opravljajo na daljavo. Tak način dela se v zadnjih desetletjih vse bolj uveljavlja zaradi razvoja informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, še posebej aktualno pa je po vsem svetu, vključno s Slovenijo, postalo v času pandemije COVID-19. V nalogo je zato vključen pregled ureditve dela na daljavo v Sloveniji ter analiza obveznih socialnih zavarovanj, pri čemer so izpostavljeni izzivi dela na daljavo. Nadalje je zaradi vse večje popularnosti čezmejnega dela na daljavo obravnavana koordinacija sistemov socialne varnosti, ki je izrednega pomena za zagotavljanje pravice do prostega gibanja delavcev. Poudarek naloge je na socialni varnosti čezmejnih delavcev, ki delo opravljajo na daljavo v članicah EU. V tem delu je prikazana ureditev, kot je določena v koordinacijskih uredbah. Ker pa sta bili slednji sprejeti pred razmahom dela na daljavo kot posledice ukrepov za zajezitev pandemije COVID-19, se vse bolj kaže neprimernost tovrstne ureditve. Posledično je bil nedavno sprejet sporazum, ki omogoča odstop od sicer veljavnih koordinacijskih pravil. Izrednega pomena za tiste delavce, ki ne sodijo v okvir koordinacijskih uredb EU, pa so bilateralne pogodbe o koordinaciji sistemov socialne varnosti.


socialna varnost;delo na daljavo;delo od doma;socialna zavarovanja;čezmejno delo;koordinacija sistemov socialne varnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [N. Sraka
UDC: 349(043.2)
COBISS: 207796739 Link will open in a new window
Views: 121
Downloads: 43
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social security and telework
Secondary abstract: Social security means guaranteeing (public) income security in the event of the realisation of social risks that would otherwise lead to a deterioration of persons' social and economic situation due to loss of income or increase in their living costs. This master's thesis presents the importance of social security systems and their implementation, focusing on the social security of teleworkers. This type of work has become increasingly popular in recent decades due to the development of information and communication technology, and it has become particularly relevant worldwide, including in Slovenia, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The thesis therefore includes an overview of the regulation of telework in Slovenia and an analysis of the compulsory social security systems, highlighting the challenges of teleworking. Furthermore, in view of the growing popularity of cross-border teleworking, the coordination of social security systems, which is of paramount importance for guaranteeing the right to free movement of workers, is addressed. The focus of the thesis is on the social security of cross-border teleworkers in EU Member States where the arrangements as laid down in the coordination regulations are examined. However, since the latter were adopted before the rise of teleworking as a consequence of the measures adopted to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the inadequacy of these arrangements is becoming increasingly apparent. As a result, an agreement has recently been adopted which allows for a derogation from the coordination rules otherwise in force. However, bilateral agreements on the coordination of social security systems are of paramount importance for those workers who are not covered by the EU coordination regulations.
Secondary keywords: social security;telework;work from home;social insurance;cross-border work;coordination of social security systems;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 45 f.
ID: 24830952