diplomska naloga
Nataša Strmec (Author), Mojca Saje (Mentor)


POVZETEK Izhodišča: Torakalna drenaža je poseg, pri katerem v plevralni prostor vstavimo torakalni dren. Pri vstavitvi torakalne drenaže je poleg zdravnika vedno prisotna usposobljena medicinska sestra. Namen diplomske naloge je raziskati zdravstveno nego pacienta s torakalno drenažo. Metoda: Pri raziskavi smo uporabili kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop in deskriptivno metodo dela. Tehnika zbiranja podatkov je intervjuvanje. Vir podatkov je pregled domače in tuje literature ter internetnih baz (bibliografske baze podatkov, Cobiss, PubMed, Medline). Vzorec je namenski. Intervjuvali smo 6 medicinskih sester, ki se s pacienti s torakalno drenažo srečujejo v različnem obsegu. Podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo transkripcije, nato pa rezultate prikazali s kategorizacijo in razporeditvijo kod. Rezultati: Naloge medicinskih sester so priprava pacienta na operacijo, skrb za pravilno delovanje drenažnega sistema, rano na vstopnem mestu torakalnega drena in higiena torakalnega drena, odvzem vzorca za preiskave, zamenjava drenažnih sistemov, ocenjevanje in lajšanje bolečine, beleženje bilance tekočin in dokumentiranje zdravstvene nege. Izzive predstavlja transport pacientov s torakalno drenažo, krvavitev po drenu, prehodnost drena, gladina vodnih stolpcev in edukacija pacientov ter svojcev. Samooceno kompetentnosti medicinske sestre podajo glede na njihove izkušnje. Večina medicinskih sester je zadovoljna glede zagotavljanja dodatnih izobraževanj. Razprava: Izkušnje z zdravstveno nego pacientov s torakalno drenažo so pridobljene glede na delovno mesto. Izkušnje vplivajo na znanje in kompetentnost medicinskih sester pri izvajanju zdravstvene nege pacientov s torakalno drenažo. Naloge medicinskih sester pri pacientih s torakalno drenažo so široke in zahtevajo specifično znanje ter veščine. Eden največjih izzivov pri zdravstveni negi pacientov s torakalno drenažo je preprečevanje zapletov. Izražena je potreba po specializacijah.


torakalna drenaža;torakalni dreni;pnevmotoraks;plevralni izliv;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: VŠZ NM - School of health science Novo mesto
Publisher: [N. Strmec]
UDC: 616.2(043.2)
COBISS: 211949315 Link will open in a new window
Views: 191
Downloads: 24
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: ABSTRACT Introduction: Thoracic drainage is a procedure in which a thoracic drain is inserted into the pleural space. During the insertion of the thoracic drain, a nurse is always present alongside the physician. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the nursing care of a patient with thoracic drainage. Methods: The study utilized a qualitative research approach and a descriptive method. Data collection was conducted through interviews. Sources of data included a review of domestic and international literature, as well as internet databases (bibliographic databases, Cobiss, PubMed, Medline). The sample was purposive. We interviewed 6 nurses who encounter patients with thoracic drainage to varying extents. The data were analyzed through transcription, and the results were presented through categorization and distribution of codes. Results: The tasks of nurses include preparing the patient for surgery, ensuring the proper functioning drainage system, assessing and alleviating pain and documenting nursing care. Challenges include transporting patients with thoracic drainage, bleeding from the drain and educating patients and their relatives. Nurses' self-assessment of competence is based on their experience. Most nurses are satisfied with the provision of additional training. Discussion: Experience with nursing care for patients with thoracic drainage is gained based on the workplace. Experience affects the knowledge and competence of nurses in providing nursing care to patients with thoracic drainage. The tasks of nurses with patients with thoracic drainage require specific knowledge and skills. One of the biggest challenges in nursing care for patients with thoracic drainage is the prevention of complications.
Secondary keywords: Zdravstvena nega;Dihala;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0000451
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Novem mestu, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: [5] f., 61 str., [1] f. pril.
ID: 25031235