Tanja Oblak (Author)


Sodobne razprave o oblikovanju in izražanju javnega mnenja namenjajo posebno pozornost pomenu medijev in medijskih reprezentacij. V tem pogledu se v marsičem razlikujejo od klasičnih pojmovanj javnega mnenja, saj je vloga, ki jo v tem procesu pripisujejo medijem, specifično obarvana: mediji so pomembni predvsem kot posredovalci medijskih reprezentacij, katere igrajo ključno vlogo vsaj v dveh smereh. Na eni strani so medijske reprezentacije sodobne diskurzivne prakse, skozi katere se oblikuje "postmoderna javnost". Takšna "virtualna javnost" se ob pomoči medijev povezuje v celoto prek simbolov. Po drugi strani nastopajo medijske reprezentacije kot simbolna dimenzija javnega mnenja, vendar pod določenimi pogoji - biti morajo prepričljive, šokantne, spektakularne in politično relevantne. Skozi natančnejši oris glavnih tez in na primeru javno-mnenjskih glasovanj kot sodobnih medijskih reprezentacij želimo v članku prikazati prednosti in težave tovrstnih konceptualizacij. Spremenjene prakse medijskih reprezentacij razumemo kot ustrezne mehanizme za izražanje javnega mnenja, vendar izključno v luči širšega družbenega konteksta. Kar je po našem mnenju bolj sporno, je to, da se jih slepo interpretira kot zadosten nadomestek racionalnega razpravljanja. Ti mehanizmi niso inherentni javnim zadevam, ampak načinu, kako se jih posreduje. Skozi takšen proces oblikovana "virtualna javnost" po našem mnenju ni preprosta naslednica aktivne javnosti, temveč kvečjemu njena neizogibna spremljevalka.


javnost;javno mnenje;koncepti;množični mediji;postmodernizem;virtualna skupnost;virtualna resničnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 316.653
COBISS: 18893661 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0352-3608
Parent publication: Družboslovne razprave
Views: 1228
Downloads: 360
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Secondary language: Unknown
Secondary abstract: Recent debates about the formation and expression of public opinion direct special interest to the meaning of media and media representations. These studies differ considerably from the classical understanding of public opinion because they regard the role of the media in a very specific way: the media are important as the mediators of media representations, which therefore accomplish their functions in two directions. On the one side, media representations, as modern discursive practices, constitute the "postmodern public". This "virtual public" becomes coherent through symbols. On the other side, media representations represent symbolic dimension of public opinion, but only under certain conditions; when they are persuasive, spectacular and politically relevant. Through the exact description of the main thesis and by the example of public opinion polls as modern media representations, this paper tries to point out advantages and risks of such concepts. We accept thatchanges in the practices of media representations are adequate mechanisms for the expression of public opinion, but only when they are understood within the present social context. What we find more questionable is the interpretation of media representations as a sufficient substitute for rational discussion. These mechanisms are not inherent to the issues, but rather to the mode of their representation. "Virtual public", constructed through such a process, in our opinion, is not a simple successor of the active public, but rather its unavoidable companion.
Secondary keywords: public;public opinion;concepts;mass media;postmodernism;virtual community;virtual reality;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 134-156
Volume: ǂLet. ǂ14
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ27/28
Chronology: 1998
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;social psychology;socialna psihologija;
ID: 36356