Katja Boh (Author)


V prispevku sem želela opozoriti na omejenost teorij, ki upadanje rodnosti pripisujejo enemu ali manjšemu številu dejavnikov - po navadi ekonomskim ali biološkim dejavnikom - in na pomen kvalitativnih vidikov življenja za odločanje o starševstvu. Posebej sta izpostavljeni teorija o "medgeneracijskem pretakanju blaginje", materialnih in nematerialnih dobrin ter teorija o "optimalni druŽini", ki teži k vzpostavljanju ravnotežja med "stroški" za otroka in "koristmi" za starše, kar ima za posledico zniževanje velikosti "optimalne družine". To je razlog, da se dvojice v sodobnem svetu odločajo za strategije nizke rodnosti. Z dodajanjem socioloških razsežnosti se širi in poglablja razprava o dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na upadanje rodnosti, in razkrivajo vzroki za nemoč in neučinkovitost pri uveljavljanju ukrepov prebivalstvene politike. Prebivalstveni "optimum" se v praksi določa glede na trenutni položaj in razporeditev politične moči, prebivalstveni ukrepi pa se udejanjajo prek drugih politik, kot npr. družinske, gospodarske, finančne, zdravstvene, socialne in izobraževalne politike, čeprav se njihovi cilji pogosto razhajajo. Prebivalstvena politika tudi ne more biti uspešna zato, ker praviloma zastopa kolektivistične nasproti individualnim in družinskim interesom. Tudi to je razlog, da je spreminjanje rodnostnega obnašanja večinoma posledica splošnega družbenega razvoja in ne prebivalstveno političnih ukrepov.


družina;starši;demografska politika;demografski razvoj;rodnost;Družina;Rodnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.04 - Professional Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 314
COBISS: 19470685 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0352-3608
Views: 1045
Downloads: 191
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: Unknown
Secondary abstract: In the paper other than economic and biological determinants of fertility behaviour are discussed. The qualitative dimensions in the shaping of fertility decisions are given importance. Described is the "wealth flow theory" of material and non-material goods, and the theory of the "optimal family", trying to maintain the balance between the "costs" of children and the "benefits" for the parents. In all modern societies wealth flows from parents to children, and material and non-material investments (time and energy) in children have grown to the extent that they destroy the balance between "costs" and "benefits" which results in the lowering of the "optimal" family size, and in turn influences the choice of low fertility strategies. The discussion opens new perspectives in the study of factors influencing fertility decline, and points to the causes of inefficiency of population policy measures practised in European societies. The population "optimum" is often defined in accordance with the existing situation, and the distribution of political power. Population policy measures are implemented in the context of other policies such as, family, economic, financial, health, social and educational policies even though their goals are not necessarily the same. Another reason for the inefficiency of population policies is the fact that these policies represent collectivistic against individual and family interests. Experience shows that changes in fertility patterns are influenced by overall social changes more than by population measures.
Secondary keywords: family;parents;demographic policy;demographic development;fertility;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 134-144
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;demography;population studies;demografija;populacijske študije;
ID: 36410
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