
Slovenija je bila do nedavnega t.i. Afor runner v postopku pridruževanja Severnoatlantski zvezi. Politični in vojaški predstavniki ZDA so videli v Sloveniji vzorčni primer, ki naj bi služil vsem ostalim državam v morebitnih novih širitvenih postopkih. Vendar je javnomnenjska podpora vladnim naporom v zadnjih mesecih bitveno upadla. Eden izmed razlogov je lahko tudi zaskrbljenost javnosti o morebitni prisotnosti vojakov Severnoatlantskega zavezništva na območju Slovenije. Javnomnenjske raziskave so opozorile na številne nejasnosti, ki zadevajo to občutljivo področje. Prisotnost zavezniških vojakov prebivalci Slovenije največkrat povezujejo z omejevanjem samostojnosti oziroma vidijo tuje osebje v vojaških bazah v Sloveniji kot moteč dejavnik v družbenem okolju. Prisotnost vojaške baze ter posledično tujih oboroženih sil povzroča različne učinke v za to izbranem okolju. Praviloma je proučevanje učinkov možno šele po prenehanju obstoja vojaških baz. Številne mednarodne raziskovalne skupine so objavile študije, ki opozarjajo na negativne izkušnje držav gostiteljic. Večina njih izvira iz obdobja podpisov bilateralnih sporazumov med državami, ki nato determinirajo obstoj, delovanje in, kar je najpomembnejse, pogoje, pod katerimi vojaska bazapreneha obstajati. Zato je smiselno pravočasno opozoriti na morebitne negativne posledice, s katerimi se lahko Slovenija sreča po včlanitvi v Severnoatlantsko zvezo ter njenim aktivnim sodelovanjem v njej.


NATO;Slovensko javno mnenje;Vojaške baze;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 355.02
COBISS: 21211997 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 1553
Downloads: 216
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Allied military bases in the republic of Slovenia?
Secondary abstract: Slovenia has been perceived as the so called fore runner in the association procedure to the NATO. NATO political and military representatives and experts(especially USA) have presented Slovenia as a model or case study for other candidate states in the association procedure. However, the public support to the association procedure has decreased in the last few months. Themost important reason for this may be the anxiousness of the Slovenian people about a deployment of the foreign armed forces on the territory of Slovenia. A thorough analysis of the public opinion has shown a great deal of indistinctness and lack of knowledge in the above-mentioned field. Presence ofthe foreign armed forces on the territory of Slovenia is perceived as a gradual limiting of the hard-acquired independence and a disturbing factor in the social environment. Presence of a foreign military base and consequently foreign armed forces causes different effects in the selected area. Scientificinvestigation of these effects is usually done after the base closure. Many international scientific groups have published their analyses and results, which emphasized negative experiences of the host states. All problems began at the time when the bilateral agreement between two states wassigned. Since the rules determining life, existence and responsibility for all the damage caused by the military base were not specified, tensions between the two states appeared. All the problems had to be solved by the local inhabitants and government, affected by the existence of the military base. This is why a possibility of the deployment of foreign armed forces and their building of the military bases has to be discussed before Slovenian Government takes any steps and accepts decisions which could cause negative effects on the local inhabitants and the Republic of Slovenia.
Secondary keywords: Slovenian public opinion;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 442-453
Volume: ǂLet. ǂ39
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ3
Chronology: maj/jun. 2002
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;military affairs generally;
ID: 36660