Iztok Prezelj (Author)


Nacionalni interesi vsake države so v osnovi nacionalni varnostni interesi. Osnovni (vitalni) interes Republike Slovenije in vsake druge sodobne države jezagotovitev čim višje stopnje varnosti svojih državljanov in institucij oziroma čim nižje stopnje ogrožanja nacionalne varnosti. Avtor v prispevku ugotavlja, da se koncept nacionalnega varnostnega interesa spreminja skladno sspreminjanjem koncepta ogrožanja varnosti. Tako je širitev pojmovanja (ogrožanja) varnosti po koncu hladne vojne privedla do diferenciacije nacionalnega varnostnega interesa, ki je sestavljen iz množice parcialnih varnostnih interesov, ki ustrezajo dimenzijam in pojavom ogrožanja varnosti. Vtem smislu se pojavi problem opredeljevanja nacionalnih varnostnih interesov,kar je v prispevku prikazano s konceptom obrambne dileme in analizo razprave o razmerju med varnostjo in svobodo po septembrskem terorističnem napadu na WTC in Pentagon. Avtor tudi izpostavlja, da je temeljni nacionalni varnostni interes (Republike Slovenije) v preprečevanju nastajanja groženj varnosti v drugih državah predvsem iz iste regije in v zaustavitvi njihovega transnacionalnega prenašanja.


Republika Slovenija;interesi;Nacionalna varnost;Svoboda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 355.02
COBISS: 21372765 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 1168
Downloads: 218
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conceptualization of national security interests
Secondary abstract: National interests of any state are essentially national security interests. Basic (vital) interest of the Republic of Slovenia and any other contemporary state is ensuring the highest possible level of security of its citizens and institutions. The author finds out that the concept of national security interest has been changing in parallel with changing concept of security threats. Broadening an understanding of (threats to) security after the end ofcold war has brought to differentiation of national security interest, dividing it to a multitude of partial security interests that correspond to dimensions of security. In this respect, we face a problem of defining the national security interests. This is elaborated in the article by using the concept of defence dilemma and the analysis of the debate on relationship between security and liberty after the September terrorist attack on WTC and Pentagon. The author also explains that basic national security interest (of the Republic of Slovenia) is to be found in prevention of escalation of security threats in other states from the same region and in stopping their transnational spreading.
Secondary keywords: Republic Slovenia;interests;National security;Freedom;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 621-637
Volume: ǂLet.ǂ39
Issue: ǂšt.ǂ4
Chronology: julij/avgust 2002
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;military affairs generally;
ID: 36727
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