Jerneja Krajnc (Author)


Diskriminacija žensk je v državah v razvoju še vedno močno razširjena. Zanemarjanje ženskega potenciala ne škoduje le njim samim, temveč onemogoča razvoj njihovih držav v celoti. Takšno zanemarjanje je odraz nezadostnega upoštevanja spolne enakopravnosti in ženskega vidika pri oblikovanju razvojnihstrategij. Je tudi odraz prevladujočih spolnih stereotipov in diskriminatornega odnosa do žensk na področju gospodarstva, izobraževanja, sodelovanja pri družbenih ali družinskih odločitvah ter na področju zdravja. Spolna neenakopravnost žensk vpliva na njihovo zdravje in se kaže v visoki umrljivosti nosečnic in otrok ob rojstvu, podrejenem položaju moškim pri sprejemanju odločitev o kontracepciji, slabokrvnosti žensk in deklet, velikih delovnih obremenitvah ter večji izpostavljenosti okužbam, nasilju in tradicionalnim zdravju škodljivim običajem. Njihov nižji status je tudi vzrok,da so ženske najrevnejše med revnimi, prikrajšane za izobrazbo ter si nemorejo ali ne znajo poiskati potrebne pomoči. Ženske so tudi premalo informirane o dostopu do primarne zdravstvene oskrbe, ponekod je ta nezadostnain neustrezna. Zdravstveni programi se še vedno preveč posvečajo le zdravljenju nastalih bolezni in premalo dolgoročni skrbi za vzdrževanje optimalnega zdravja. Kulturne norme in z njimi diskriminacija deklet in žensk še naprej predstavljajo grožnjo njihovemu zdravju.


Ženske;Družbena neenakost;Zdravje;Države v razvoju;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 316
COBISS: 22276189 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 535
Downloads: 49
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Discrimination of women in developing countries is still strongly present. Neglecting women's potential does not only affects women themselves but also adevelopment of their countries in general. This is a result of neglecting gender equality and female dimension in forming developmental strategies. It is also a sign of prevailing gender stereotypes and discriminatory attitude toward women in the field of economy, education, participation in social and family decision-making, and in the field of health. Gender inequality of womeninfluences their health condition and is seen in the high rate of mortality of pregnant women and children right after birth; in subordinated position in comparison with men regarding decision-making about contraception,anaemia at women and girls, strong labour burdening and greater risk of infection, violence and traditional customs that are harmful to health. Their lower social status also causes women to be the most poor among the poor; they lack education and are not able to search for help they need. Women also do not have information on access to primary health care, and somewhere primary health care is insufficient and unsuitable. Health programmes are still oriented more or less toward cure and insufficiently toward long-term health care for maintaining optimum health. Cultural norms and discrimination of girls and women along, still present a threat to their health.
Secondary keywords: Women;Social inequality;Health;Developing countries;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 426-441
Volume: ǂLet. ǂ40
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ3
Chronology: 2003
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;
ID: 37288