Raziskovanje na področju oglaševanja je osredotočeno na proučevanje učinkov,ki jih imajo oglasna sporočila na pasivne prejemnike. V literaturi je zato moč zaslediti zelo malo prispevkov, ki bi obravnavali aktivnost prejemnikov na tak način kot jo obra-vnava teorija zadovoljevanja potreb (ang.uses and gratifications). Prispevek se ukvarja z uporabo teorije zadovoljevanja potreb v oglaševanju. V teoretskem modelu skuša vzpostaviti povezave med ključnimi pojmi teorije zadovoljevanja potreb, motivi, vpletenostjo in zadovoljitvami na primeru oglasnih sporočil. V nadaljevanju prikaže rezultate empirične preverbe tako zastavljenega modela. Rezultati pokažejo, da je, z nekaterimi omejitvami in ob upoštevanju specifike oglasnih sporočil, kvantitativno raziskovanje na področju teorije zadovoljevanja potreb možno uporabiti tudi v oglaševanju.
Oglaševanje;Koncepti;Množično komuniciranje;Občinstvo;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2003 |
Typology: |
1.01 - Original Scientific Article |
Organization: |
UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences |
UDC: |
3 |
0352-3608 |
Parent publication: |
Družboslovne razprave
Views: |
1097 |
Downloads: |
170 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Unknown |
Secondary abstract: |
Advertising research has focused mainly on the effects of advertisments on passive receivers. In the literature not many authors have accepted the notion of active receiver in the way that has been suggested by uses and gratifications theory. This article deals with implications of the theory in advertising. It derives a theoretical model which aims to show links among key concepts of the theory: motives, involvement and gratifications in the case of advertising messages. The article then offeres some empirical results of the model. The reuslts show us that with few limitations, and bearing in mind the advertising specifics, kvantitative research of uses and gratifications approach can be aplied to advertising. |
Secondary keywords: |
Advertising;Concepts;Mass communication;Audience; |
Type (COBISS): |
Not categorized |
Pages: |
str. 11-28 |
Volume: |
ǂLetn. ǂ19 |
Issue: |
ǂšt. ǂ43 |
Chronology: |
avg. 2003 |
Keywords (UDC): |
social sciences;družbene vede; |
ID: |
37423 |