Andrej Anžič (Author), Robert Golobinek (Author)


Avtorja obravnavata problem prepletanja, razkoraka in ločevanja med pravom, deklarativnimi političnimi interesi in varnostno prakso. Državnemu zboru Republike Slovenije je, po več kot desetletju poskusov, uspelo oblikovati sodobno parlamentarno nadzorstvo nad obveščevalnimi in varnostnimi službami, s sprejetjem ustreznega zakona. Zaradi odsotne, zakonsko neurejene materije, so politično nadzorstvo v preteklosti označevale parcialne, nepregledne ali celo neustavne rešitve. Zato ni naključje, da tudi vsebina parlamentarnega nadzorstva ni bila na nivoju evropskih demokracij. Sprejeti zakon upošteva Priporočila 1402 Parlamentarne skupščine Sveta Evrope, kako urediti nadzor notranjih varnostnih služb držav članic. Močno se zgleduje tudi po nemškem modelu organiziranja tovrstnega nadzorstva, poskuša pa upoštevati tudi slovenske pravne in varnostne značilnosti. Sprejem zakona vsekakor kaže pozdraviti kot nov mejnik pri vzpostavitvi sodobnih slovenskih civilno-varnostnih razmerij. Kljub vsemu pa je nujno opozoriti na nekatere njegove vsebinske nedorečenosti prav zato, ker nakazujejo možnost sprožanja določenih konfliktnih situacij. Analizirata vlogo političnih interesov, ki skozi pravno normo dokazujejo, da ločenost prava od politike ni mogoča. Ugotavljata tudi, pri tem uporabita reskriptivno analizo z elementi eksplikatorne analize s pomočjo primerjalne metode, da je logično odkrivanje vzrokov in posledic med nadzorom in funkcijami nadzorovanih služb možno le z metodo notranjega opazovanja.


Obveščevalne službe;Varnostne službe;Nadzor;Parlament;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 351.74/.76
COBISS: 22691165 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 1058
Downloads: 227
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The authors analyse the problem of relationship between declarative political interests and security practice. After the decades of attempts, the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia has succeeded in forming a modern parliamentary control over the intelligence and security services by adopting the related law. Due to the absence of legislation, the political control was indicated by partial, unclear and even unconstitutional solutions. It is therefore not a coincidence that the content of the parliamentary control was not at the level of the European democracies. The adopted law takes into account the Recommendations No. 1402 of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, in how to arrange the control over the internal security services in the member states. It also models itself on a German model of organising this sort of control, but it also attempts to take into account Slovenian legal and security characteristics. The adoption of the law can be by all means seen as a new milestone in establishing modern Slovenian civilsecurity relations. However, some weaknesses should be stressed, especially because they indicate possibility of creating certain conflict situations. The authors analyse the role of political interests, which on the basis of legal norm show that the separation of the law from politics is not possible. Using the rescriptive analysis with the elements of explicatory analysis and a comparative method, they also establish that logical detection of causes and effects between the control and functions of control services is possible only with the method of internal observation.
Secondary keywords: Intelligence services;Security services;Supervision;Parliament;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 1058-1073
Volume: ǂLet. ǂ40
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ6
Chronology: nov./dec. 2003
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;particular activities of public administration;posamične dejavnosti javne uprave;
ID: 37721