Bojan Čas (Author)


V pričujočem tematskem sklopu predstavljamo Tomaža Luckmanna, enega izmed najpomembnejših predstavnikov fenomenološke sociologije. Luckmann pojmuje sociologijo kot humanistično disciplino - ne pa zgolj kot pozitivistično in empiricistično znanost - ki mora obravnavati človeka in družbo v pristno zgodovinski optiki, zato se zavzema za dialog z ostalimi humanističnimi vedami, kot so antropologija, zgodovina in filozofija. Če sociologija tega ne bi počela, bi se izneverila svojemu predmetu in posebnemu poslanstvu, ki ga je utemeljil že Max Weber, radikaliziral pa Alfred Schütz. Predmet sociologije je družba kot del človeškega sveta, ki ga oblikujejo in živijo ljudje, ki hkrati oblikujejo tudi sami sebe.


Fenomenologija;Družbena konstrukcija;Konstrukcija realnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.05 - Popular Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 316
COBISS: 23141981 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0352-3608
Parent publication: Družboslovne razprave
Views: 2380
Downloads: 266
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Phenomenological sociology: constructing social life - phenomenology of the social world
Secondary abstract: This article is a preface to a set of contributions, by which one of the outstanding sociologist of phenomenological sociology, Tomaž Luckamann is presented. Luckmann understands sociology as a humanistic discipline - and notas merely a positivistic or empiricistic science - which should consider a human and society by a genuine optycs, and he strives for a dialogue with other humanities, especially anthropology, history, and philosophy. If sociology was not doing this way, it would prove fiathless to its subject and its particular mission, established already by Max Weber, and radicalized by Alfred Schütz. The subject of sociology is society as part of a human world, which is made and lived by people, who simultaneously are making themselves, as well.
Secondary keywords: Phenomenology;Social construction;Construction of reality;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 81-85
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ20
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ45
Chronology: apr. 2004
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;
ID: 38059