diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
Boštjan Komjanc (Author), Maja Jurc (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi podajamo obsežnejši literarni pregled dejavnikov, ki so povezani s sušenjem hrastov (Quercus spp.) v Sloveniji in Evropi. To so abiotski in biotski dejavniki. Posebej nas je zanimalo sušenje vej starejših dreves iz rodu Quercus na našem nizkem Krasu. Zato smo na Sežansko-Komenskem in Goriškem Krasu na sto dveh lokacijah v letih 2003 in 2004 nabrali 121 sušečih se hrastovih vej. V Laboratoriju za ekološke študije Oddelka za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire BF smo nabrane veje gojili v prilagojeneminsektariju, ter določili izleglo entomofavno. Določene vrste hroščev smo tudi arhivirali v Entomološki zbirki BF-GOZD. Najpomembnejše vrstežuželk smo dokumentirali s fotografiranjem na stereo lupi Olympus S2X-12,ter Olympus kamero U-TVO.5XC s programom AnalySiS 3.1 Efi na Gozdarskeminštitutu Slovenije. V vejah smo ugotovili ličinke hroščev iz družinCerambycidae (64 ličink), ter buprestidae (32 ličink). Nabrali in določili smo adulte iz štirih družin hroščev in sicer: Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Scolytidae in Cleridae. Iz družine Cerambycidae so bile najpomembnejše vrste Callimellum angulatum angulatum, Poecilium alni, Exocentrus adspersus; iz družine Buprestidae vrsta Corebus florentinus; iz družine Scolytidae pa vrste iz rodov Scolytus in Xyleborus. Ugotovili smo fenologijo, opisali biologijo, ter ekologijo najpomembnejših najdenih vrst. Predator ksilofagnih vrst žuželk je najdena vrsta Tilloidea unifasciata iz družine Cleridae. Opredelili smo pomen najdenih in določenih vrst pri sušenju hrastovih vej, ter njihov pomen pri vitalnosti hrastov na nizkem Krasu.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [B. Komjanc]
UDC: 630*4
COBISS: 1513894 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1027
Downloads: 276
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Secondary language: Unknown
Secondary title: Impact of some biotical factors (Insecta: Coleoptera) on the oaks decline (Quercus spp.) in lower Karst
Secondary abstract: The diploma paper presents a comprehensive survery of factors releted to the drying process of oak (Quercus spp.) in Slovenia and in Europe. These are abiotic and biotic factors. Special interest has been taken in the drying process of branches from older trees belonging to the family Quercus in our lower Karst region. During the years 2003 and 2004 121 drying branches of Quercus spp. were collected in the Sežana-Komen and Gorica Karst area. The branches were kept in an adapted insect chamber and the entomological fauna hatched was identified. Some kinds of beetle have been included into the entomological collection BF-GOZD. The most important kinds of insects have been documented by fhotographs taken on stereo magnifying lens Olympus S2x-12 by Olympus U-TVO.5XC Camera using the AnalySIS 3.1 EFi program at the Slovenian Institute of Forestry in Ljubljana. In the branches beetle larvae belonging to families Cerambycidae (64 larvae and Buprestidae (32 larvae) werefound. Adults from four beetle families were collected and identified. Themost important kinds from the family Cerambycidae were Callimellum angulatum angulatum, Poecilium alni, Exocentrus adspersus; from the family Buprestidae Corebus florentinus; from the family Scolytidae kinds from genus Scolytus and Xyleborus. Phenology has been established as well as biological and ecological features of the most important kinds found have been described.The natural predator of xylophagus kinds of insects found is the kind Tilloidea unifasciata belonging to family Cleridae. The importance of thekinds of insects found and identified during the drying process of oak branches as well as their impact on the vitality of oak trees in the lower Karst area have been defined.
File type: pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakultetea, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire.
Pages: VII, 64 str.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;agriculture and related sciences and techniques;forestry;farming;wildlife exploitation;kmetijstvo ter sorodne vede in tehnologije;forestry;gozdarstvo;forest injuries and protection;poškodbe in varstvo gozdov;
ID: 52888
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