graduation thesis - higher professional studies
Igor Plešivčnik (Author), Janez Pirnat (Mentor)


Brinjeva gora je eden najbolj priljubljenih pohodniških ciljev v Mežiški dolini. To območje v okviru naravoslovnih dejavnosti obiskujejo tudi učenci in dijaki bližnjih šol. Posledica velike obiskanosti je povečana erozija in večna novo uhojenih poti. Namen naloge je izdelava poti za izvajanje naravoslovnih dejavnosti za vse bližnje šole ter rekreacijo za ostale obiskovalce. Za namen raziskave je bila izdelana anketa, ki so jo izpolnjevali obiskovalci Brinjeve gore. Najpogostejši namen obiska je skrb za lastno zdravje. Skoraj polovica vprašanih pogreša urejene in označene poti ter označene vsebinske točke. Naravoslovna pot je bila začrtana po analizi anket, intervjuju z učiteljicama naravoslovja in biologije na OŠ na Prevaljah in ob upoštevanju: strukture in števila obiskovalcev, namena obiska, števila in razpoložljivosti potencialnih vsebinskih točk, primernosti poti za vse obiskovalce ter čim manj posegov v prostor. Pot je dolga 5700 m, na njej je označenih 22 vsebinskih točk z interpretacijskimi tablami. Vsebina tabel je prilagojena učencem višjih razredov OŠ ter dijakom SŠ. Teme so življenjski prostori v gozdu z značilnimi živalskimi in rastlinskimi vrstami, funkcionalne povezave živih bitij v gozdu, zgradba drevesa, drevesne vrste, sukcesija, ogroženost in varstvo gozdov, funkcije in pomen ter gospodarjenje z gozdom. Naravoslovna pot Brinjeva gora prispeva k popularizaciji gozda in gozdarstva, rekreaciji, turistični ponudbi ter ohranjanju narave.


učne poti;rekreacija;Brinjeva gora;Prevalje;ankete;naravoslovne poti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [I. Plešivčnik]
UDC: 630*94(497.4 Prevalje)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 2449830 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1031
Downloads: 257
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Unknown
Secondary title: Brinjeva gora nature trail
Secondary abstract: Brinjeva gora is one of the most popular hiking destinations in the Meža valley. This area is visited by pupils and students of the local primary and secondary schools due to their subject in natural science. High visiting consequences are path erosion and increased number of new hiked paths. The aim of this graduation thesis is the construction of a path that could serve the above mentioned activities for educative purpose and as a trip-destinationfor various visitors. This paper is based on the questionnaire answered by the visitors of Brinjeva gora. The main purpose of hiking was health consciousness - keep your body fit. Almost half of them missed marked paths and points of interest. This path was traced in consideration to the questionnaire and the consolidation with teachers for natural science and biology from the Primary School Prevalje. Some other criteria were respected: the structure and number of visitors, the purpose of hiking, the number and the availability of the future points of interest, the sustainability of paths for a wide range of visitors and care of the environment. The path's length is 5700 m and there are 22 points of interest with the information desks. The content of this information suits the higher level knowledge of the Primary and of Secondary school pupils and students. The topics include the habitats in the woods, their typical animal and vegetation species, tree structure, types of trees, succession, vulnerability and protection of forests, functions and the management of forests. This nature trail Brinjeva gora contributes to the popularity of forests and forestry, entertainment and relaxation in nature, touristy offer, and the consciousness and awareness of sustainability.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: X, 62 str. + pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;agriculture and related sciences and techniques;forestry;farming;wildlife exploitation;kmetijstvo ter sorodne vede in tehnologije;forestry;gozdarstvo;forests and forestry from the national point of view;social economics of forestry;gozdovi in gozdarstvo z nacionalnega vidika;gozdarska politika;politika pogozdovanja;družbenoekonomski vidiki gozdarstva;
ID: 54884
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