magistrsko delo
Igor Srakar (Author), Jože Pihler (Mentor), Miralem Hadžiselimović (Co-mentor)


Magistrska naloga opisuje tehnični varianti elektroenergetskega napajanja novega naselja individualnih objektov v Tomačevem (Ljubljana). Opisani sta dve varianti, in sicer, varianta A: napajanje naselja individualnih objektov iz obstoječega nizkonapetostnega omrežja z izgradnjo še potrebnega nizkonapetostnega omrežja ter varianta B: napajanje predvidenega naselja iz obstoječega 10 kV srednjenapetostnega omrežja, v katerega se vključi nova transformatorska postaja 10/0,4 kV z nizkonapetostnim razvodom za predvideno naselje individualnih objektov. Pri ocenjevanju posamezne variante je bil upoštevan kriterij najustreznejše rešitve. Iz tehničnega vidika je bilo za kriterij izbrano dolgoročno saniranje slabih napetostnih razmer na predvidenem območju, upoštevan je bil predvideni odjem moči bodočih odjemalcev električne energije in ekonomski vidik.


distribucijsko omrežje;elektorenergetski sistem;izračuni kratkih stikov;načrtovanje opreme;izbira opreme;transformatorska postaja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Krško
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FE - Faculty of Energetics
Publisher: [I. Srakar]
UDC: 621.311.1(043.3)
COBISS: 1024050780 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4149
Downloads: 292
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂinclusion of a settlement of detached housis in Tomačevo into the electrical power system
Secondary abstract: In the master thesis, two different technical variants of electricity supplay for the settlement of newly built detached houses in the district of Tomačevo (Ljubljana) are being described. In variant A, the power (electric) supplay of the settlement is being created by construction of the power appropriate low-voltage electrical network. In variant B, the power (electric)supplay of the settlement is being derived from already existing 10 kV middle-voltage electrical network, into which, the process of building a new transformer station 10/0,4 kV with the low-voltage cable distribution across the settlement, has been included. The criteria of the most appropriate solution is being considered in assessing the two technical variants. Criteria called long-term sanitation of bad voltage circumstances on the provided area, has been chosen out of technical aspects. The predicted consumption of electric energy of the future residents and the economical aspect of it, have been also taken in consideration.
Secondary keywords: distribution network;electrical power system;calculation of short circuit;design of equipment;choice of equipment;transformer station;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Mag. delo, Univ. Maribor, Fakulteta za energetiko
Pages: X, 92 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;engineering;technology in general;inženirstvo;tehnologija na splošno;mechanical engineering in general;nuclear technology;electrical engineering;machinery;strojništvo;electrical engineering;elektrotehnika;
ID: 5959