magistrsko delo Management delovnih procesov, Industrijski inženiring
Ohranjanje konkurenčne prednosti in uspešnosti podjetij je odvisno od zmožnosti prilagajanja spremembam v poslovnem okolju, ki se dogajajo neprestano. Podjetja želijo izboljšati uspešnost poslovanja z odpiranjem novih proizvodnih obratov bližje kupcem, reorganizacijo poslovanja, uvedbo novega informacijskega sistema in podobno, pogosto pa pozabljajo na ključne poslovne procese in njihovo kontinuirano prenovo.
V magistrski nalogi smo s pomočjo metode prenove poslovnih procesov prenovili del procesa uvajanja novega proizvoda v obravnavano podjetje. Pri tem smo uporabili poznani pristop h kakovosti v avtomobilski industriji, ki se od funkcije nadziranja izdelave v tovarnah usmerja v napredno načrtovanje kakovosti izdelkov in procesov (APQP).
V zaključku smo potrdili uvodoma postavljeno temeljno hipotezo in ugotovili, da prenova poslovnega procesa skrajša pretočne čase izvajanja aktivnosti pred pričetkom serijske proizvodnje, zniža stroške uvajanja, zmanjša obremenitve zaposlenih in dviguje kakovost proizvodov.
prenova poslovnih procesov;proces;razvoj izdelka;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Source: |
Kranj |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences |
Publisher: |
[B. Sašek] |
UDC: |
005.2 |
Views: |
1903 |
Downloads: |
766 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Renovation of development process and new product introduction into production |
Secondary abstract: |
Maintaining the competitive advantage and success of a company depends on its ability to adapt to the constant changes in the business environment. Companies look to improve their performance by opening new production facilities closer to their customers, reorganising operations, introducing new information systems, etc. However, they often forget to ensure the continuous reengineering of key business processes.
For this master’s thesis, the method of business process reengineering was used to reengineer a part of the process of introducing a new product into the company in question. To achieve this, we used the known approach to quality in the automotive industry, which is moving away from the monitoring of production in factories and focusing on advanced product quality planning (APQP).
The basic hypothesis suggested in the introduction is confirmed in the conclusion. We determined that the reengineering of the production process leads to shorter flow times for activities prior to the beginning of serial production, lower costs of introduction, less pressure on employees and higher product quality. |
Secondary keywords: |
process;business process renovation;product development;new product introduction;advanced product quality planning (APQP);production part approval process (PPAP); |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede |
Pages: |
109 f. |
Keywords (UDC): |
science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;management;menedžment;management agents;mechanisms;measures;udeleženci pri menedžmentu;mehanizmi;merila; |
ID: |
80293 |