diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Anita Ostruh (Author), Igor Areh (Mentor)


O serijskih morilcih je že vsak izmed nas videl kakšen film. Malokdo pa pozna serijske bombaše. Ti so v osnovi manj številčni, pa tudi manj poznani širši javnosti. Mogoče je tako, ker z žrtvami večino krat nimajo neposrednega stika,kar otežuje preiskovanje njihovih zločinov in odkrivanje njihove identitete. Takšni ljudje so tudi visoko inteligentni, svoje napade pa natančno načrtujejo, ta dejstva preiskovalcem še otežujejo njihovo delo. Kot zelo učinkovito orodje za preiskovanje serijskih zločinov in za odkrivanje storilca velja omeniti profil storilca kaznivega dejanja. Ta metoda se je v svetu preiskovanja kazenskih deliktov uveljavila v zadnjih petdeset letih. Za uspešno izdelavo profila potrebujemo predvsem kvalitetne podatke o storilcu, ki se pridobijo na kraju zločina oziroma tekom preiskave. Na osnovi obdelave informacij, lahko strokovno usposobljeni kriminalistični psihologi naredijo psihopatološko sliko domnevnega storilca. Proučevanje storilčeve psihe in vedenjskih vzorcev, se je skozi prakso v zgodovini pokazalo kot zelo koristno. Obstajajo pa tudi preiskovalci, ki profiliranja ne podpirajo, saj so mnenja, da so profili preveč subjektivni, ter da niso utemeljeni na znanstvenih osnovah ampak so odvisni od psihologovih izkušenj in znanja. V primeru serijskega pisemskega bombaša Franza Fuchsa je bil profil osrednje orodje, ki je privedel do uspešnega prijetja storilca.


kazniva dejanja;storilci;serijski morilci;profiliranje;forenzična psihologija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: A. Ostruh]
UDC: 159.9:340.6(043.2)
COBISS: 2599146 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1382
Downloads: 292
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: We all have seen at least one movie about serial killers. Though not many people are familiar with the term serial bomber. They are less numerous and less known to the general public. Maybe it is because most of the times they do not have direct contact with their victims, making their crimes and discovering their identities difficult to investigate. Such people are also highly intelligent, and their attacks carefully planned, these facts make it difficult for investigators. Offender profile has been shown as a very effective tool for investigating serial crimes and to identify serial perpetrators. This method was, in the world of investigating criminal offenses, established in the last fifty years. In order to successfully create offender profile investigators need good quality information on the offender, which are obtained at the crime scene and during the investigation. On the basis of processed information , professionally trained criminal psychologists can do psychological picture of the alleged perpetrator. Examining the perpetrator psyche and behavioral patterns, have proved to be very useful practice throughout the of history. There are also investigators who do not support profiling, because they believe that the profiles are too subjective, and that are not justified on a scientific basis but are dependent on the experience and expertise of psychologists. In the case of a serial letter-bomber Franz Fuchs profile was the center tool, which led to the successful arrest of the perpetrator.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 73 str.
Keywords (UDC): philosophy;psychology;filozofija;psihologija;psychology;psihologija;social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;law in general;legal methods and auxiliary sciences;auxiliary legal sciences;forensic psychology;forensic chemistry;forensic medicine;pomožne pravne znanosti;sodna psihologija;sodna kemija;sodna medicina;
ID: 80685