diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Dario Babić (Author), Božidar Koren (Mentor)


Terorizem je ena izmed glavnih tem v poročilih nekaj zadnjih nekaj let, pa čeprav je terorizem kot pojav verjetno star kot človeštvo. Kljub naporom znanstvenikom, politikom, pravnikom in strokovnjakom za varnost ni uspelo razviti enotne definicije za terorizem, pa čeprav je ta pojav danes eden resnejših varnostnih problemov, ki ogroža ves svet. Obstajajo mnogi razlogi za neuspešno definiranje pojma, kaj je to terorizem. Največja težava, da strokovnjakom ne uspe postaviti enotne definicije zanj, je, da nekateri vidijo domnevne teroriste kot borce za svobodo, nekateri pa kot teroriste. Položaj se je še zapletel s pojavom verskega, predvsem islamskega terorizma. Vzpon sodobnega verskega (islamskega) terorizma je povezan z islamsko iransko revolucijo leta 1979. Takrat so množično začele nastajati teroristične skupine in organizacije, ki širijo idejo islamskega fundamentalizma. Za sodobni, predvsem islamski terorizem je značilna poleg povezanosti z vero (islam) še ena povezava in sicer povezava s trgovino z orožjem za množično uničevanje. Hkrati pa je sodobni terorizem postal zelo krut. Ponavadi je vsak teroristični napad povezan tudi z velikim številom smrtnih žrtev in to predvsem med nedolžnim prebivalstvom. Teroristom ne gre več samo za zbujanje pozornosti. Sodobni teroristi želijo doseči učinek tudi z zastrahovanjem nedolžnega prebivalstva. Kot opravičilo za vedno hujše teroristične napade pa iščejo v veri, češ, saj se borijo za svobodo vere. Cilj verskih teroristov je vzpostavitev vladavine islama in uničenje zahodne kulture v državah, v katerih prevladuje islamska vera. Vodilni predstavnik te vrste terorizma je zagotovo Al Kaida. Pojav Al Kaide je zagotovo eden izmed razlogov, ki nam onemogoča postaviti definicijo, kaj je sodobni terorizem. Al Kaida ni tipična teroristična organizacija, ki smo jo poznali do konca hladne vojne. Njen cilj ni političen, temveč predvsem verski. Tudi po organiziranosti je ne moremo primerjati s »klasičnimi« terorističnimi skupinami. Al Kaida je organizacija brez neke klasične organiziranosti, njena edina povezovalna elementa sta islam in njen karizmatični vodja Osama bin Laden. Za Al Kaido torej ne moremo reči, da je to organizacija, ki zasleduje neki politični cilj. Njen glavni cilj sta boj proti zahodni civilizaciji in pa vzpostavitev vladavine islama. Zaradi tega strokovnjakom še dolgo ne bo uspelo postaviti sodobne definicije, kaj je to terorizem, ali je to boj za politične cilje ali pa je to način, kako bi s terorjem vsilili ljudem, da bi živeli strogo po določenih verskih dogmah. Posledica tega pa je, da ljudje vedno bolj povezujejo vero s terorizmom, čeprav v verskih knjigah ni nikjer omenjeno, da se lahko za širjenje vere uporabi tudi terorizem.


terorizem;religija;verski terorizem;boj proti terorizmu;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: D. Babić]
UDC: 343.3(043.2)
COBISS: 2609130 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1204
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Terrorism is one of the main topics on the news the last few years even though the phenomenon is probably as old as mankind. Despite the efforts of scientists, politicians, lawyers and security experts have failed to develop a single definition of terrorism; this phenomenon today is one of the most serious security problems that are threatening the entire world. There are many reasons for the failure to define what terrorism is. The biggest problem that the experts fail to establish a definition of what terrorism is lies in the fact that some suspected terrorists see themselves as freedom fighters and others as terrorists. The situation continues to complicate with the emergence of religious particularly Islamic terrorism. The rise of modern religious (Islamic) terrorism is connected to the Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979. After that terrorist groups and organizations started advancing the idea of Islamic fundamentalism massively. Modern Islamist terrorism is mainly characterized as attachment to the religion and also as a link and a link to trade in weapons of mass destruction. At the same time modern terrorism has become very cruel. Normally, any terrorist attack also linked to a large number of deaths, primarily among the innocent population. For terrorist it is not just for the effect of attracting attention anymore. Modern terrorists want to achieve the effect of the intimidation of innocent people. As an excuse for worse and worse attacks they are saying that they are fighting for a freedom of their religion. The aim of terrorists is to establish religious rule of Islam and the destruction of Western culture in countries dominated by the Islamic faith. The main representative of Islamic terrorism is most certainly Al Qaeda. The emergence of Al Qaeda is certainly one of the reasons that prevent us from set definition of what is a contemporary terrorism. Al-Qaeda is not a typical organization of what we have known by the end of the Cold War era. Their goal is not political, but rather religious. Even with their organizational skills they cannot be compared with the "conventional" terrorist groups. Al Qaeda is an organization without a classical structure; their only connection is their religion Islam and their charismatic leader Osama bin Laden. For Al Qaeda, therefore, we cannot say that this is an organization that pursues a political objective. Its basic aim is to fight Western civilization and the establishment of Islam around the world. For this reason, experts will not be able to get a modern definition of what is terrorism, whether it is a struggle for political goals, or is it the way that people be forced to live strictly according to certain religious rules. The result is that people are increasingly connecting religion with terrorism, even though the religious books did not make any reference for terrorism to be used.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 50 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;criminal law;penal offences;kazensko pravo;kazniva dejanja;offences against the state;
ID: 80793
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