(specialistično delo)
Nataša Panikvar (Author), Ana Habjanič (Mentor)


Nasilje je staro toliko kolikor je staro človeštvo in je ena najbolj grobih kršitev človekovih pravic. Vzrok zanj tiči v različnih posameznikovih ali skupinskih potrebah, ki za žrtev ustvarjajo neugodne posledice. V specialističnem delu sta obravnavana zloraba in nasilje nad starostniki, ki s povečevanjem števila starejših ljudi postajata vedno pogostejši problem sodobne družbe tudi v Sloveniji. Z raziskavo smo želeli prikazati kazalce zlorab in nasilja nad starejšimi v domačem okolju, s katerimi se srečujejo patronažne medicinske sestre pri svojem delu. Ugotoviti smo želeli, katera vrsta zlorabe in nasilja je najpogosteje zaznana s strani patronažnih medicinskih sester in njihovo splošno oceno starostnikov, ki so žrtve zlorab ali nasilja. Zanimalo nas je ali starostniki patronažnim medicinskim sestram zaupajo in jim povedo, da se nad njimi izvaja nasilje. Ugotoviti smo želeli tudi kako pogosto je materialna korist osebe, ki starostnika neguje razlog za zlorabo in ali je depresivno počutje starejše osebe pomemben kazalec za zanemarjanje. Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji z uporabo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika. Anketo je izpolnilo 72 naključno izbranih patronažnih medicinskih sester iz različnih patronažnih služb. Rezultati so pokazali, da je zanemarjanje najpogostejša zloraba starostnika v domačem okolju. Starostnik, ki se ga zanemarja je slabo negovan, pogosto depresiven, njegov skrbnik pa se na opozorila patronažne medicinske sestre in na očitne znake bolezni ne odziva. Tri četrtine starih ljudi o katerih so ugotovitve podale anketirane patronažne medicinske sestre, je nesposobnih razpolagati s svojim denarjem. Posledično je sum premoženjskega izkoriščanja najpogostejši med vsemi kazalci izkoriščanja. Pomemben kazalec zanemarjanja starostnika je tudi depresija, ki jo je potrebno jemati resno. Le to so anketirane patronažne medicinske sestre med spremljanimi morebitnimi kazalci po pogostosti uvrstile na visoko tretje mesto. Iz dobljenih rezultatov lahko trdimo, da starostniki patronažnim medicinskim sestram zaupajo.


starostniki;kazalci zlorabe;kazalci nasilja;patronažne medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [N. Panikvar]
UDC: 364.632-053.9(043)
COBISS: 1919908 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3863
Downloads: 633
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Indicators of abuse and violence against older
Secondary abstract: The violence is as old as the humankind and represents one of the most severe human rights violations. The reason for it lies in the variety of individual and collective needs which have unfavourable consequences for the victims. This specialist work focuses on the abuse and violence against the elderly which are becoming, by increasing the number of elder people, an increasingly common problem of modern society also in Slovenia. The objective of research is to present the indicators of abuse and violence against the elderly in their homes with which the community nurses are confronting at their work. Our aim was to determine which type of abuse and violence is the most frequently perceived by the community nurses and to give an overall assessment made by the elderly who are the victims of abuse or violence. Furthermore, we were interested in whether the elderly do trust the community nurses and inform them about the violence. We also wanted to determine how often the material benefits of a person who takes care of the elderly is a reason for the abuse and whether the state of depression of the elderly is an important indicator of negligence. The research is based on the quantitative methodology, using an anonymous survey. The survey was completed by 72 randomly selected community nurses working in various nursing services. The results show that the negligence is the most common abuse of the elderly in their home environment. The elderly who is neglected is poorly nourished, often depressed, and his/her guardian does not respond to the alerts of the community nurse nor to the obvious signs of his/her disease. The results of the survey conducted among the community nurses show that three-quarters of elderly are incompetent to manage their money. As a result, the suspicion of property exploitation is one of the most common indicators of exploitation. The depression is also an important indicator of the negligence of elderly and it should be seriously taken into consideration. According to the frequency of eventual indicators being monitored, the community nurses surveyed placed it on a high third place. In conclusion, the results display that the elderly can place their trust in the community nurses.
Secondary keywords: elderly;indicators of abuse;indicators of violence;community nurse;
Type (COBISS): Specialist thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VII, 105 f., 4 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;safeguarding the mental and material necessities of life;socialno delo;socialna pomoč;stanovanje;zavarovalstvo;social welfare;socialno skrbstvo;social welfare issues;
ID: 81025
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