Petra Gašparič (Author), Zala Urisk (Author), Andreja Križanec (Author), Marko Munda (Author), Silvo Hribernik (Author), Manja Kurečič (Author), Tatjana Kreže (Author), Majda Sfiligoj-Smole (Author)


Zaradi čedalje globlje ekološke ozaveščenosti in okoljevarstvenih zahtev obravnavamo v sodobnem času izdelavo, uporabo in odstranjevanje materialov veliko bolj kritično. Naravna celulozna vlakna so v tem pogledu izkazala svojo kakovost in popolnoma izpolnila vse ekološke kriterije. Naravna celulozna vlakna uporabljamo za tekstilne in tekstilnotehnične namene. To so vlakna iz ličja stebel, ki tvorijo vlaknate snopiče v notranjem ličju stebel dvokaličnic, in listna vlakna, ki tečejo po dolžini listov enokaličnic, ter semenska vlakna in vlakna iz plodov. Lan, konopljo, juto, ramijo, sisal ter kokos uporabljamo predvsem za tehnične namene. V zadnjem času pa izjemno narašča zanimanje za obnovljive surovinske vire tudi na področju vlaken. V ospredju so vlakna rastlinskega izvora. Pri iskanju novih surovinskih virov se proučujejo številne rastline, ki ne spadajo med tradicionalne vire vlaken, da bi iz njihovih stebel ali listov izolirali vlakna uporabnih lastnosti. Pri izolaciji vlaken pridobimo tehnična vlakna, kar pomeni, da so celulozna vlakna večcelične strukture, pri katerih so posamezne celice vezane v snopiče. Poleg konvencionalnih načinov izolacije vlaken se uporabljajo tudi številni sodobni postopki, kot so biotehnološki z uporabo encimov, itd. Način, kako vlakna izoliramo, vpliva na površinsko morfologijo vlaken. V prispevku so predstavljena nekatera vlakna, ki jih pridobivamo iz kmetijskih odpadkov, kot so slama žitaric, listi ananasa, sladkorni trs, hmeljeva stebla, kinoa, vlakna iz različnih trav itd.


tekstilna vlakna;celulozna vlakna;lignocelulozna vlakna;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
UDC: 677.1
COBISS: 16561942 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0351-3386
Parent publication: Tekstilec
Views: 1796
Downloads: 125
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sustainable plant textile fibres
Secondary abstract: The manufacture, use and removal of traditional materials are now considered more critical due to increasing environmental consciousness and the demands of legislative authorities. Natural cellulose fibres have successfully proven their qualities when also taking into account an ecological view of fibre materials. Different cellulose fibres can be used for textile and technical applications, e.g. the bast or stem fibres which form fibrous bundles in the inner bark (phloem or bast) of the stems of dicotyledenous plants, the leaf fibres which run lengthwise through the leaves of monocotyledenous plants, and the fibres of seeds and fruits. Flax, hemp, jute, ramie, sisal and coir are mainly used for technical purposes. Recently, the interest in renewable resources for fibres particularly of plant origin has increased. Therefore, several non-traditional plants are being studied with the aim to isolate fibres from plant leaves or stems. A review of some untraditional fibres is given in the paper. Technical fibres are mainly obtained with fibre isolation, which means that cellulose fibres are multicellular structures with individual cells bound into fibre bundles. Different retting processes can be performed in both acid and alkaline mediums, respectively, and with an enzymatic treatment. The used procedure influences the fibre surface morphology. Some biofibres from agricultural by-products, e.g. wheat straw, pineapple leaves, sugarcane bagasse, hop stems, Musaceae plants, quinoa etc. are introduced. In addition, the fibres from different grass and legume species and from sea grass are presented in the article.
Secondary keywords: plant fibres;sustainable fibres;untraditional fibres;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 302-313
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ55
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ4
Chronology: 2012
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;various industries;trades and crafts;razne industrije;obrti in rokodelstva;textile industry;tekstilna industrija;bast fibres (fibres from dicotyledon stems);hard fibres (fibres from monocotyledon leaves and fruit);vlakna iz ličja;stebelna vlakna dvokaličnic;trda listna in plodovna vlakna enokaličnic;
ID: 81181