diplomsko delo
Ada Tomanič (Author), Jana Goriup (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Predšolski otrok in zobozdravnik je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili zgradbo zob in razvoj zobovja v predšolskem obdobju. Velik poudarek je na negi otroških zob, ki zajema različne tehnike umivanja zob in sredstva za ustno higieno. Pri ustni higieni je najpomembnejša vloga staršev, vzgojitelja in pa seveda samega zobozdravnika, katerega pristop in obravnavo določajo starost, razvoj in bolezensko dogajanje otroka. Izpustiti ne smemo tudi pomen preventivnih pregledov, saj je bolezni lažje preprečiti kot zdraviti. Brez dvoma lahko rečemo, da otroški zobozdravnik s svojim delom in sodelovanjem s starši, vzgojitelji in učitelji izoblikuje odnos otroka pacienta do zobozdravnika ter zobozdravstva in vzgoji sodelujočega ali odklonilnega pacienta za vse življenje. Empirični del zajema ugotovitve, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki so ga izpolnili starši predšolskih otrok vrtca Braslovče. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti začetek ustne higiene pri predšolskem otroku, poznavanje pravilne tehnike umivanja zob, pogostost umivanja zob, starost otroka ob prvem obisku zobozdravnika, odnos zobozdravnika do predšolskega otroka in pomen preventivnih pregledov. Z rezultati anket smo prišli do dejstev, ki nakazujejo, da so starši dovolj skrbni pri negi ustne higiene predšolskega otroka, poznavanju pravilne tehnike in pogostosti umivanja zob in redno sodelujejo in obiskujejo zobozdravnika, katerega odnos do malčkov naj bi bil s strani staršev zadovoljiv.


predšolska vzgoja;predšolski otroci;stomatologija;zobozdravniki;starši;ustna higiena;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Tomanič]
UDC: 61(043.2)
COBISS: 19886600 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2474
Downloads: 478
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis etitled Preschool child and the dentist consist of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part introduces tooth development and their structure of preschool child. Great emphasis is placed on the care of children's teeth, which covers a variety of techniques and means brushing your teeth for oral hygiene. Oral hygiene is the most important role of parents, preschool teachers and of course dentist itself, whose treatment approach and determine the age and development of illness child. Parents must be aware of teeth prevention. It's easier to prevent disease than cure. Without doubt, we emphasize that children's dentist whose work and cooperation with parents, preschool teachers, form a relationship a child patient to a dentist and dental care and education to participating or adverse patient for life. The empirical part of the findings, which were obtained through a survey questionnaire completed by the parents of preschool children kindergardten Braslovče. The purpose of this study was to determine the beginning of oral hygiene in preschool children, knowledge of proper techniques brushing your teeth, frequency of brushing teeth, child's age at first visit to the dentist, the dentist relationship to preschool children and the importance of prevetnivnih reviews. The results of the survey, we get to the facts, suggesting that parents are sufficiently diligent oral hygiene care for preschool children, knowledge of proper techniques and frequency of brushing your teeth regularly and visiting the dentist involved, and whose attitude towards children to be satisfactory by the parents.
Secondary keywords: preschool child;parents;dentist;mouth hygiene;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 78 f., [4] f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;
ID: 81752
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