doktorska disertacija
Jerneja Pavlin (Author), Nataša Vaupotič (Mentor), Mojca Čepič (Co-mentor)


Tekoči kristali so tema, ki je tesno povezana z izkušnjami dijakov in trenutno zelo aktualna tema v raziskovalnih krogih, zato je dober primer sodobne fizikalne teme, ki jo skušamo vnesti v pouk. Na podlagi naših izkušenj in znanj o tekočih kristalih in na podlagi predstav študentov prvega letnika univerzitetnega študija o tekočih kristalih smo oblikovali učno gradivo o tekočih kristalih. Učno gradivo, ki je podrobno predstavljeno v tej disertaciji, skuša študente voditi do usvojitve konceptov, ki so pomembni za razumevanje delovanja tekočekristalnega prikazalnika. Gradivo je sestavljeno iz treh delov, in sicer iz predavanja in laboratorijskih vaj pri kemiji in fiziki. Eksperimenti, ki so predstavljeni v okviru fizikalnega dela vaj, se nanašajo na fazni prehod, značilen za tekoče kristale, polarizacijo svetlobe, dvojni lom in barve. Učno gradivo je bilo testirano pri študentih 1. letnika na študijskem programu Razredni pouk na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Rezultati kažejo, da je gradivo dejansko možno uporabiti v praksi in tudi napredek v znanju v povezavi s tekočimi kristali je znaten, od uspeha 24 % na predtestu, do 68 % na testu takoj po končanem učnem posegu z učnim gradivom in 64 % na testu, ki se je izvajal ob izpitu mesec dni kasneje. Predhodna raziskava je pokazala, da je znanje o tekočih kristalih, ki so ga študenti prvih letnikov različnih študijskih smeri pridobili pred študijem, zanemarljivo. Ker študente razrednega pouka naravoslovje povečini ne zanima, lahko sklepamo, da bodo študenti naravoslovnih študijskih smeri z učnim gradivom usvojili vsaj toliko znanja kot študenti razrednega pouka. Zato smo testirali fizikalni del učnega gradiva tudi pri študentih 1. letnika študijskega programa fizika z vezavami na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Rezultati kažejo, da so študenti dvopredmetne fizike na večino testiranih vprašanj odgovorili bolje kot študenti razrednega pouka. Za študente fizike smo učno gradivo dopolnili z zahtevnejšim eksperimentom, s katerim izmerimo kotno odvisnost izrednega lomnega količnika. Z eksperimentom neposredno in nazorno pokažemo dvojni lom v tekočih kristalih. V ta namen sta bili izdelani homeotropna in planarna klinasta tekočekristalna celica, ki omogočata kvalitativne in kvantitativne meritve izrednega lomnega količnika v odvisnosti od smeri. V disertaciji predstavimo fizikalne osnove razširjanja svetlobe skozi anizotropno snov, postavitev eksperimenta, meritve in rezultate. Fizikalni del učnega gradiva smo preoblikovali za namene poučevanja v srednji šoli, saj želimo, da so dijaki po zaključenem srednješolskem izobraževanju naravoslovno pismeni. Gradivo je bilo testirano v dveh srednjih šolah v dveh oddelkih 3. letnika gimnazijskega programa. Rezultati testiranja in mnenja učiteljev kažejo, da gradivo lahko uporabimo za predstavitev teme tekoči kristali v srednješolskem izobraževanju, saj so dijaki usvojili ključne koncepte, ki so potrebni za razumevanje delovanja tekočekristalnih prikazalnikov. V disertaciji predstavimo podrobno evalvacija gradiva in smernice za nadaljnje delo.


izobraževanje;tekoči kristali;učno gradivo;testiranje;dvolomnost;barve;fazni prehod;LCD;šolski eksperiment;disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: [Maribor
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: J. Pavlin]
UDC: 37.091.3:53(043.3)
COBISS: 19895048 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3055
Downloads: 336
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Liquid crystals as a mean of introducing modern topics into teaching of physics: teaching module liquid crystals for the highschool and university level
Secondary abstract: Liquid crystals are linked to everyday students' experiences and are also a topic of a current scientific research, so they are a good candidate of a modern topic to be introduced into education. Taking into account our experience with liquid crystals and students' preconceptions we designed a teaching module about liquid crystals, which is presented in the dissertation. The teaching module consists of a lecture and experimental work in a chemistry and physics lab. In the chemistry lab students synthesise liquid crystal MBBA and in the physics lab they study its physical properties. Within the experimental work they study phase transitions, polarization of light, double refraction and colours. The evaluation of the module was performed among the first year pre-service primary school teachers who have no special preferences for natural sciences. The evaluation shows that the module is very efficient in transferring knowledge and feasible in practice since the students achieved 24 % on the pre-test, 68 % on the test performed after the physics lab and 64 % on the test that was performed one month later as a part of an exam. A prior study showed that the informally obtained pre-knowledge on liquid crystals of the first year students on several different study fields is negligible. Since the social science students are the ones that are the least interested in natural sciences it can be expected that students in any study programme will on average achieve at least as good conceptual understanding of phenomena related to liquid crystals as the group involved in the pilot study. The physics part of the module was evaluated among the first year pre-service physics teachers from the Faculty of Education at University of Ljubljana. At most of the tested questions the achievements of the pre-service physics teachers were better than the achievements of the pre-service primary school teachers. The teaching module for future physics teachers was upgraded with a more elaborate experiment that directly and illustratively demonstrates double refraction. For this purpose, two, homeotropic and planar, liquid crystalline wedge cells were designed, which enable qualitative and quantitative measurements of the extraordinary refractive index direction dependency in a uniaxial nematic liquid crystal. The basic physics of the propagation of light in anisotropic materials, the experimental setup, measurements and results are described in detail in the dissertation. Because we want the high school students to be scientifically literate at the end of the high school studies, the physics part of the module was adapted, in line with the nature of work in high schools. The teaching module was evaluated in two high schools in two third-year classes in each school (on average students were 17.8 years old). The results of the evaluation and teachers' opinions show that the module is efficient in transferring knowledge also in the high school and feasible in practice. Students assimilated crucial physical concepts that are necessary for the understanding of how liquid crystal displays work. The thesis presents a detailed evaluation of the high school module and gives guidelines for future work.
Secondary keywords: education;liquid crystals;learning materials;testing;double refraction;colours;phase transition;LCD;school experiment;dissertations;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za fiziko
Pages: X, 192 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;education;vzgoja in izobraževanje;šolstvo;pouk;organization of instruction;mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;physics;fizika;
ID: 81764