graduation thesis


The purpose of the graduation thesis is to highlight different aspects of the role of vocabulary in teaching English to adults. In order to illustrate some of the principles at work, two case studies of adult students studying English in a language school are presented. A long period of time grammar was seen as the main task in second language teaching. Mastery of grammatical structures was the main goal in second language acquisition. On the contrary, vocabulary teaching and acquisition were of relatively minor importance. Vocabulary development was approached as some kind of auxiliary activity and, often through memorizing decontextualised word lists. Vocabulary, which is the basic material of the language, is, of course, of crucial importance in expressing ideas and thoughts when communicating. The following statement about the relationship between grammar and vocabulary by the British linguist Wilkins (1976) argues that "without grammar, there are few things we can express; while without vocabulary, there is nothing we can express." Wilkins reasserts the importance of vocabulary in communication. Insufficient vocabulary or vocabulary difficulties will result in communicational barriers or failures. Since the 1960s, many new ideas and approaches to the study of vocabulary acquisition in a second language have emerged through many English linguists' efforts and research. Among them, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) pedagogy which originated from the changes in the British Situational Language Teaching approach dating from the late 1960s is particularly significant. The graduation thesis shows how CLT evolved as a prominent language teaching method and gradually replaced the previous Grammar-Translation Method and the reasons for which CLT is now very popular in English language in teaching vocabulary to adults.


• Poučevanje besedišča • Poučevanje odraslih;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Antonijević]
UDC: 811.111(043.2)
COBISS: 19962632 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1954
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary abstract: Namen diplomskega dela je osvetliti različne vidike vloge besedišča pri poučevanju angleškega jezika za odrasle. Za ponazoritev nekaterih načel v praksi sta v diplomskem delu predstavljeni dve študiji primerov odraslih učencev, ki se učijo angleškega jezika v jezikovni šoli. Dolgo časa so slovnico videli kot glavno nalogo pri poučevanju tujega jezika. Obvladovanje slovničnih struktur je bil glavni cilj pri učenju tujega jezika. Prav nasprotno je imelo poučevanje in učenje besedišča relativno majhen pomen. Razvoj besedišča so razumeli kot neke vrste pomožno dejavnost in pogosto kot pomnjenje seznamov besed izven konteksta. Besedišče, ki je osnovni material jezika, je seveda ključnega pomena pri izražanju idej in misli, ko komuniciramo. Naslednja izjava o odnosu med slovnico in besediščem britanskega jezikoslovca Wilkinsa (1976) navaja, da "brez slovnice lahko sporočimo malo, brez besedišča pa ne moremo sporočiti ničesar." Wilkins ponovno poudarja pomen besedišča pri komunikaciji. Posledica nezadostnega besedišča ali težav pri besedišču so komunikacijske ovire ali napake. Od leta 1960 so se z raziskavami številnih angleških jezikoslovcev pojavile številne nove ideje in pristopi k proučevanju pridobivanja besedišča v tujem jeziku. Med njimi je še posebej pomembno Komunikativno poučevanje jezika (CLT), pedagogika, ki izvira iz sprememb v britanskem poučevanju jezika glede na okoliščine, pristopa iz 1960. Diplomsko delo prikazuje, kako se je CLT razvil kot pomembna učna metoda jezika in postopoma nadomestil prejšnjo metodo Slovnica -prevajanje, in razloge, zakaj je CLT sedaj zelo priljubljen pri poučevanju angleškega besedišča za odrasle.
Secondary keywords: angleščina;pouk;odrasli;besedišče;jezikovne šole;slovnica;tuji jeziki;diplomska dela;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko
Pages: III, 66 f.
Keywords (UDC): language;linguistics;literature;jezikoslovje;filologija;književnost;linguistics and languages;jezikoslovje in jeziki;languages;jeziki;germanic languages;germanski jeziki;english language;angleščina;
ID: 81839
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