diplomsko delo


Frazemi veljajo za zabavna izrazna sredstva, ki polepšajo in bogatijo naš jezik. Pojavljajo se tako v strokovnih besedilih kot tudi v vsakdanjem govoru, učenci pa jih pogosto srečujejo v umetnostnih besedilih, ki jih prebirajo pri pouku ali doma za zabavo. Pri tem je pomembno, da jih razumejo, zato sem v svojem diplomskem delu raziskala, kako frazeme razumejo učenci 3. in 5. razreda. Zanimalo me je, ali so spol, starost in vrsta frazema pomembni dejavniki pri njihovem razumevanju. Analiza intervjujev je pokazala, da spol pri razumevanju ne igra pomembne vloge, saj so se pri razumevanju določenih vrst frazemov bolje odrezale deklice, pri drugih pa dečki. Za razliko od spola pa je starost pri razumevanju frazemov zelo pomembna; starejši kot so učenci, bolje razumejo frazeme. Pri mlajših učencih sem opazila, da so jim težave delali frazemi, rabljeni v prenesenem pomenu, saj so jih učenci velikokrat razumeli dobesedno. Že iz preleta ciljev v učnem načrtu je razvidno, da se frazeologiji namenja zelo malo časa. Kar je posledično razvidno v rezultatih učencev, ki kažejo na pomanjkljivo razumevanje določenih vrst frazemov. Pokazalo se je, da učencem predstavlja največjo težavo razumevanje pregovorov. V nasprotju s pregovori pa učenci z razumevanjem sestav nimajo nobenih problemov, kar niti ni presenetljivo, saj so sestave besedne zveze s točno določenim pomenom, vzgoja in izobraževanje pa spodbujata čedalje večjo pojmotvornost. Pri tem pa se moramo vprašati, ali učencem dovolj uzaveščamo frazeme. Sama sem mnenja, da bi bilo treba učence pogosteje seznanjati s temi izraznimi sredstvi, predvsem bi si želela, da bi z učenci delali več na razumevanju pregovorov, saj se ne nazadnje v njih in tudi ostalih frazemih skriva ljudska modrost, ki jo moramo ohranjati.


razredni pouk;frazemi;frazeologija;govor;razvoj;preneseni pomen;metafore;vzgoja;izobraževanje;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Balažic]
UDC: 811.163.6(043.2)
COBISS: 19981576 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3128
Downloads: 960
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Idioms are fun expressive means of language which embellish and enrich our language. They can be found in technical texts as well as in everyday speech. Pupils often find idioms in literary texts which they read in school or at home for fun. When reading, it is important that they understand these idioms. This is why the aim of my graduation thesis was to analyze the pupils' understanding of idioms in 3rd and 5th grade in elementary school. I was interested to learn whether sex, age and type of idioms play a role in the pupils' understanding of idioms. The analysis of the interviews has shown that in understanding idioms the sex factor does not play an important role: some types of idioms were better understood by girls and other types by boys. However, age factor has proven to be an important element: the older pupils have shown better understanding of idioms. Younger pupils had problems with expressions with figurative meanings because they often understood them literally. After reviewing the educational goals of the curriculum, I have come to the conclusion that not enough attention is given to phraseology. This results in pupils showing insufficient understanding of certain types of expressions with figurative meanings. The results show that pupils have most trouble with understanding proverbs; however, pupils show no problems in understanding expressions whose meanings can be predicted from individual words. Education and schooling encourage the construction of meaning. The question is whether we try enough to enable pupils to understand these expressions. I believe pupils should be exposed to expressive means of language more often, and - more importantly - I wish that pupils would be given more opportunity to be able to understand proverbs. After all, proverbs - as well as idioms - hide the key to understanding folk wisdom which we are all obligated to cherish.
Secondary keywords: idioms;phraseology;speech development;figurative meaning;metaphor in education and schooling;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 142 f.
Keywords (UDC): language;linguistics;literature;jezikoslovje;filologija;književnost;linguistics and languages;jezikoslovje in jeziki;languages;jeziki;slavic / slavonic languages;slovanski jeziki;south slavic / slavonic languages;južnoslovanski jeziki;slovenian / slovene language;slovenščina;
ID: 81866
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