diplomska naloga
Aleš Košorog (Author), Mitja Brilly (Mentor), Franci Steinman (Thesis defence commission member), Nataša Atanasova (Thesis defence commission member), Boris Kompare (Thesis defence commission member), Matjaž Mikoš (Thesis defence commission member), Damjana Drobne (Co-mentor)


Izhodišča za izvajanje direktive EU o politiki do voda


UNI;diplomska dela;gradbeništvo;VKI;pitna voda;okvirna vodna direktiva;WFD;monitoring;biotesti;Kometni test;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Košorog]
UDC: 556.18(043.2)
COBISS: 3033697 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1916
Downloads: 486
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Basis for WFD implementation
Secondary abstract: Beside benefits and comfort brought by contemporary way of life there is also continuous threat for environment and nature. Achieving and providing health suitability of drinking water became responsibly and pretentious task. Graduation Thesis is about use of bioassays for determining water quality status and basis for their implementation in european judicial regulation WFD. Water frame directive WFD presents framework in field of EU water policy. Bioassay are not mentioned in WFD, although there are several advantages as fast response by low concentrations of chemicals, response on organisms and inexpensiveness. Water monitoring therefore mostly consist of physical and chemical parameter research and determining presence of micribiological parameters. Graduation Thesis presents acute toxicity test with Daphnia and Comet assay with point on the latter. Comet assay is extremely sensitive and evaluates DNA damages, which represents exceedingly good biomarker for determining genotoxicity. Our test also proved that. The last part of graduation thesis is about comparison of drinking water monitoring in Slovenia and Netherlands. Results show that current biological analysis only determine presence of microorganisms in water, but there is no toxicity testing of samples. That is why there is necessity for supplement present monitoring of drinking water condition in Slovenia with fast, sensitive and cost effective biological assays, which gives us an early warning on potentially toxic chemicals not included in regular physical and chemical monitoring.
Secondary keywords: drinking water;Water Frame Directive;monitoring;bioassay;Comet assay;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Univerzitetni študij vodarstva in komunalnega inženirstva
Pages: IX, 100 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Basics for WFD implementation
Keywords (ePrints): pitna voda;Okvirna vodna direktiva WFD;monitoring;biotesti;Kometni test
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): drinking water;Water Frame Directive;monitoring;bioassay;Comet assay
Abstract (ePrints): Sodoben način življenja na eni strani predstavlja številne prednosti in ugodje, na drugi strani pa nenehno grožnjo za okolje in naravo. Zagotavljanje zdravstveno ustrezne pitne vode je postalo odgovorna in zahtevna naloga. Diplomska naloga obravnava uporabo bioloških testov za ugotavljanje kakovosti voda in izhodišča za njihovo izvajanje v evropski pravni regulaciji WFD. Okvirna vodna direktiva ali WFD predstavlja temelje evropske zakonodaje na področju voda in kot taka narekuje ustrezno varstvo in monitoring voda. Kljub nekaterim prednostim biološkega načina testiranja, kot so hiter odziv pri nizkih koncentracijah kemikalij, stroškovna ugodnost in odziv na živ organizem, biotesti v WFD niso omenjeni. Monitoring voda tako temelji na fizikalno kemijskih preiskavah določenih parametrov in preiskavah bioloških parametrov. V diplomski nalogi ugotavljam primernost Kometnega testa za testiranje pitne vode in njegovo primerjavo z akutnim strupenostnim testom z Daphnio. Raziskava je pokazala, da je Kometni test občutljiv test, ki raziskuje poškodbe v molekuli DNK, kar predstavlja dober biomarker za testiranje genotoksičnosti na področju pitnih voda. V zadnjem poglavju diplomske naloge sem primerjal monitoring kakovosti pitnih vod v Sloveniji in na Nizozemskem, pri čemer se je izkazalo, da so biološke analize usmerjene predvsem v ugotavljanje prisotnosti mikroorganizmov, strupenosti vzorcev pa se ne raziskuje. Zato bi bilo treba zlasti v Slovenji dopolniti obstoječi monitoring s poceni in hitrimi biološkimi testi, ki nam dajo zgodnje opozorilo na potencialno strupenost in prisotnost kemikalij, ki niso zajete v fizikalno kemijskem monitoringu.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Beside benefits and comfort brought by contemporary way of life there is also continuous threat for environment and nature. Achieving and providing health suitability of drinking water became responsibly and pretentious task. Graduation Thesis is about use of bioassays for determining water quality status and basis for their implementation in european judicial regulation WFD. Water frame directive WFD presents framework in field of EU water policy. Bioassay are not mentioned in WFD, although there are several advantages as fast response by low concentrations of chemicals, response on organisms and inexpensiveness. Water monitoring therefore mostly consist of physical and chemical parameter research and determining presence of micribiological parameters. Graduation Thesis presents acute toxicity test with Daphnia and Comet assay with point on the latter. Comet assay is extremely sensitive and evaluates DNA damages, which represents exceedingly good biomarker for determining genotoxicity. Our test also proved that. The last part of graduation thesis is about comparison of drinking water monitoring in Slovenia and Netherlands. Results show that current biological analysis only determine presence of microorganisms in water, but there is no toxicity testing of samples. That is why there is necessity for supplement present monitoring of drinking water condition in Slovenia with fast, sensitive and cost effective biological assays, which gives us an early warning on potentially toxic chemicals not included in regular physical and chemical monitoring.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): drinking water;Water Frame Directive;monitoring;bioassay;Comet assay
ID: 8308106