diplomsko delo
Jožica Mohar (Author), Barbara Sicherl-Kafol (Mentor), Branka Potočnik (Co-mentor)


Pedagoški lik Janeza Kuharja




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Mohar]
UDC: 373.32.016:929(043.2)
COBISS: 8916809 Link will open in a new window
Views: 778
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The pedagogical character of Janez Kuhar
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis attempts to provide theoretical and empirical evidence that the pedagogical character of a teacher and his/her attitude towards music education represents, in addition to motivation, an important factor in comprehensive development of the pupil/student. The theoretical part of the thesis includes a detailed description of the teacher and his/her personality and education structure. This involves in particular the teacher’s pedagogical instinct and systematic planning of music goals, where the teacher exercises significant influence on the comprehensive development of child's personality in various fields of progress. The thesis continues with the description of the life of Janez Kuhar, Slovenian composer and teacher, and the analysis of his pedagogical character and the relevance of his work for modern music education. The thesis also gives a detailed description of selection criteria for quality music art topics which give pupils/students the prospect of gradual and comprehensive progress. The empirical section of the thesis includes statements of teachers about contemporary music education and their autonomous selection of music art topics. The results of the survey show that by using the expertise, pedagogical and didactical skills the teachers play a crucial role in the development of music skills and are at the same time able to autonomously select music topics. The survey also includes the analysis of Janez Kuhar's work as a teacher and music composer from the viewpoint of its relevance and applicability for modern music education. Survey results confirm that Kuhar's creativity is tuned with the findings of modern music didactics. They constitute the framework for further studies on the influence of music on comprehensive and music development with particular focus on the applicability of Slovenian choral legacy in educational process.
Secondary keywords: music education;teaching objective;teacher role;glasbena vzgoja;učni cilj;vloga učitelja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 106 str., [7] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The pedagogical character of Janez Kuhar
Keywords (ePrints): lik učitelja
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): teacher's character
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu želimo teoretično in empirično dokazati, da sta poleg motivacije učencev pedagoški lik učitelja in njegov odnos do glasbene vzgoje, močna dejavnika, ki prispevata k celostnemu razvoju učenca. V teoretičnem delu smo skozi njegovo osebnostno in izobrazbeno strukturo podrobneje predstavili lik učitelja. V tem okviru sta pomembna pedagoški čut in sistematično načrtovanje glasbenih ciljev, kjer učitelj močno vpliva na celosten razvoj otrokove osebnosti na različnih področjih razvoja. V nadaljevanju predstavljamo življenjsko pot slovenskega skladatelja in pedagoga Janeza Kuharja ter analiziramo njegov pedagoški lik ter aktualnost njegovih del za sodoben glasbeni pouk. Podrobno opisujemo kriterije izbire kakovostnih glasbeno-umetniških vsebin, ki nudijo učencem možnost za postopen in celosten razvoj. V empiričnem delu ugotavljamo mnenja učiteljev o sodobnem glasbenem pouku in samostojni izbiri glasbeno-umetniških vsebin. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da učitelji s svojim strokovnim, pedagoškim in didaktičnih znanjem nudijo kakovostno izhodišče za glasbeni razvoj in se ob tem poslužujejo tudi samostojne izbire glasbenih vsebin. Raziskava je vključevala tudi analizo pedagoškega dela in ustvarjalnega opusa Janeza Kuharja z vidika ustreznosti in uporabnosti v sodobnem glasbenem pouku. Ugotovili smo, da je njegovo glasbeno-pedagoško delo uglašeno s sodobnimi spoznanji glasbene didaktike. Izsledki raziskave odpirajo možnosti za nadaljnja preučevanja vplivov glasbe na celostni in glasbeni razvoj in še posebej možnost uporabe slovenske zborovske dediščine v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The diploma thesis attempts to provide theoretical and empirical evidence that the pedagogical character of a teacher and his/her attitude towards music education represents, in addition to motivation, an important factor in comprehensive development of the pupil/student. The theoretical part of the thesis includes a detailed description of the teacher and his/her personality and education structure. This involves in particular the teacher’s pedagogical instinct and systematic planning of music goals, where the teacher exercises significant influence on the comprehensive development of child's personality in various fields of progress. The thesis continues with the description of the life of Janez Kuhar, Slovenian composer and teacher, and the analysis of his pedagogical character and the relevance of his work for modern music education. The thesis also gives a detailed description of selection criteria for quality music art topics which give pupils/students the prospect of gradual and comprehensive progress. The empirical section of the thesis includes statements of teachers about contemporary music education and their autonomous selection of music art topics. The results of the survey show that by using the expertise, pedagogical and didactical skills the teachers play a crucial role in the development of music skills and are at the same time able to autonomously select music topics. The survey also includes the analysis of Janez Kuhar's work as a teacher and music composer from the viewpoint of its relevance and applicability for modern music education. Survey results confirm that Kuhar's creativity is tuned with the findings of modern music didactics. They constitute the framework for further studies on the influence of music on comprehensive and music development with particular focus on the applicability of Slovenian choral legacy in educational process.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): teacher's character
ID: 8308130