diplomsko delo
Eva Osredkar (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Analiza 5-dnevnega programa smučanja za otroke druge triade


smučanje;metodika učenja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [E. Osredkar]
UDC: 796.92:37.018.53(043.2)
COBISS: 8907849 Link will open in a new window
Views: 924
Downloads: 221
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of a 5-day skiing programme for pupils of the second triennium
Secondary abstract: The educational process, which takes place in school is upgraded and continued in nature classes. It is a pedagogical process lasting several days and containing an educational as well as a schooling aspect. It is based on the mutual connection of the contextual and organisational parts combining a whole. Such process assures the personal development of a child in all aspects of the educational planning and practice. This leads to the “hidden” learning and education, which emerge as a by-product of the organisation of the curriculum and the school. Nature classes are identified as a special educational form, where for a period of time a whole class or several classes go out into the natural, less urban environment outside of the place where they permanently reside. This means going to the sea, to the river, to the lake, into the woods, to the mountains, to the snowy nature and similar places. In the winter time in primary schools the winter nature classes take place. To be able to teach properly and successfully, a ski teacher or a sports pedagogue has to be acquainted with the integrity of a child’s development, with the basis of a teaching and learning process of children, the pedagogical and didactical peculiarities of ski-teaching for children, the psychological principals and techniques as well as with the ski-methodologies. Teaching has to take place in a relaxed atmosphere, through game, joy and enjoying the snow. The ski teacher has to manage his role of an animator and a promoter of winter tourism to perfection. In this diploma thesis the ski techniques and methodology are further described. The ski instructor must pay attention to the safety on the ski slopes, he or she must know and implement the rules regarding the safety and educate the future skiers with his or her own exemplary behaviour. It is desired that the ski instructor uses good skiing equipment (the ski helmet, ski goggles, ski suit, ski gloves, comfortable ski boots and adequate length of the ski poles and skis). Education is an important part of cohabitation with children on the snow covered slopes. It is present the whole time during the activities. The kids are thought about the proper attitude towards the nature. The second part of the diploma thesis contains 5 teaching preparations with the analyses for the carefully planned, gradual and especially successful teaching of skiing in the winter nature classes. The teaching preparations have been carried out in practice within the framework of the ski school in Italy. 11 participants, aged 10-12, participated. The teaching preparations are not too complex and are suitable for the realization in a 5-day winter nature class. One teaching preparation is the basis for a one day ski lesson in the nature classes.
Secondary keywords: open air school;winter sport;šola v naravi;zimski šport;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 97 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Analysis of a 5-day skiing programme for pupils of the second triennium
Keywords (ePrints): šola v naravi
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): nature classes
Abstract (ePrints): Vzgojno-izobraževalni proces, ki poteka v šoli, se v šoli v naravi nadgrajuje in nadaljuje. Gre za pedagoški proces, ki poteka več dni in vsebuje tako vzgojni kot tudi izobraževalni vidik. Temelji na medsebojnem povezovanju vsebinskih in organizacijskih delov v celoto. Tak proces otroku zagotovi osebnostni razvoj na vseh dimenzijah izobraževalnega načrtovanja in prakse. Prihaja do »skritega« učenja in vzgoje, ki nastajata kot stranski produkt organizacije kurikula in šole. Šola v naravi je opredeljena kot posebna vzgojna in izobraževalna oblika, v kateri cel razred ali več razredov odide za nekaj časa v naravno, čim manj urbano okolje zunaj kraja, kjer učenci stalno prebivajo. To je k morju, reki, jezeru, v gozd, gore, zasneženo naravo in podobno. V zimskem času poteka po osnovnih šolah zimska šola v naravi. Da pa lahko učitelj smučanja oziroma športni pedagog dobro poučuje mora poznati celovitost otrokovega razvoja, osnove procesa učenja in poučevanja otrok, pedagoško-didaktične posebnosti poučevanja smučanja otrok, psihološke osnove ter tehnike in metodike smučanja. Tako učenje pa mora potekati v sproščenem vzdušju, preko igre, v veselju in užitkih na snegu, kar pa od učitelja smučanja zahteva, da se znajde v vlogi animatorja in navsezadnje tudi promotorja zimskega turizma nasploh. Zato so v diplomskem delu podrobno opisane tudi tehnike in metodika smučanja. Prav tako pa mora biti učitelj smučanja pozoren na varnost na smučišču in poznati in upoštevati pravila za varnost in s svojim zgledom vzgajati bodoče smučarje. Zato je zaželeno, da ima smučar pri smučanju dobro smučarsko opremo (varnostno čelado, smučarska očala, smučarski kombinezon, rokavice, udobne smučarske čevlje, primerno dolžin palic in smučk). Drugi del diplomskega dela pa vsebuje 5 učnih priprav z analizami za načrtno, postopno, in predvsem uspešno poučevanje smučanja v zimski šoli v naravi oz šoli smučanja. Učne priprave so bile praktično izvedene v okviru šole smučanja v Italiji. Sodelovalo je 11 tečajnikov, starosti od 10 do 12 let. Učne priprave niso pretežko zastavljene in so primerne za izvedbo v 5-dnevni zimski šoli v naravi. Ena učna priprava je lahko osnova za en dan poučevanja smučanja v šoli v naravi.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The educational process, which takes place in school is upgraded and continued in nature classes. It is a pedagogical process lasting several days and containing an educational as well as a schooling aspect. It is based on the mutual connection of the contextual and organisational parts combining a whole. Such process assures the personal development of a child in all aspects of the educational planning and practice. This leads to the “hidden” learning and education, which emerge as a by-product of the organisation of the curriculum and the school. Nature classes are identified as a special educational form, where for a period of time a whole class or several classes go out into the natural, less urban environment outside of the place where they permanently reside. This means going to the sea, to the river, to the lake, into the woods, to the mountains, to the snowy nature and similar places. In the winter time in primary schools the winter nature classes take place. To be able to teach properly and successfully, a ski teacher or a sports pedagogue has to be acquainted with the integrity of a child’s development, with the basis of a teaching and learning process of children, the pedagogical and didactical peculiarities of ski-teaching for children, the psychological principals and techniques as well as with the ski-methodologies. Teaching has to take place in a relaxed atmosphere, through game, joy and enjoying the snow. The ski teacher has to manage his role of an animator and a promoter of winter tourism to perfection. In this diploma thesis the ski techniques and methodology are further described. The ski instructor must pay attention to the safety on the ski slopes, he or she must know and implement the rules regarding the safety and educate the future skiers with his or her own exemplary behaviour. It is desired that the ski instructor uses good skiing equipment (the ski helmet, ski goggles, ski suit, ski gloves, comfortable ski boots and adequate length of the ski poles and skis). Education is an important part of cohabitation with children on the snow covered slopes. It is present the whole time during the activities. The kids are thought about the proper attitude towards the nature. The second part of the diploma thesis contains 5 teaching preparations with the analyses for the carefully planned, gradual and especially successful teaching of skiing in the winter nature classes. The teaching preparations have been carried out in practice within the framework of the ski school in Italy. 11 participants, aged 10-12, participated. The teaching preparations are not too complex and are suitable for the realization in a 5-day winter nature class. One teaching preparation is the basis for a one day ski lesson in the nature classes.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): nature classes
ID: 8308202