diplomska naloga
Sabina Sterle (Author), Marcela Batistič-Zorec (Mentor), Simona Prosen (Co-mentor)


Stališča vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok o tekmovanju in sodelovanju med otroki




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Sterle]
UDC: 373.2.016(043.2)
COBISS: 8913225 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1004
Downloads: 196
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Preschool teachers attitudes towards competition and cooperation between children
Secondary abstract: Children have yet to learn the skills of cooperation, while competitiveness should primarily be correctly steered. A lot of discussion should also be devoted to its consequences. In nursery school, activities should be designed to encourage children to cooperate. I was interested in to what extent preschool teachers are aware of that fact and introduce cooperation intentionally into their work and how, on the other hand, they face competitiveness, which appears in child’s play already at a very early stage. My diploma paper searches for attitudes preschool teachers have towards competitiveness and cooperation, how both behaviours affect the child's development and how they are reflected in the planning and implementation of educational work. I have quantitatively processed and interpreted the results, which I have acquired through a questionnaire and compared them between the first age group (13 year olds) and second age group (36 year olds). The majority of preschool teachers agree with arguments, which specify competitiveness as a significant factor in a child's development. Yet, they do not agree that for that reason competitiveness should be especially encouraged or that, by encouraging competitiveness, they would contribute in any way to the preparation of children to life in our so called competitive society. As far as cooperation is concerned, they think that it strengthens interpersonal relations and that preschool children are mature enough to learn the skills of cooperation. The balanced use of cooperating and competitive behaviour at planning of educational work offers children the possibility to learn social skills spontaneously and to cope with barriers and defeats constructively.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;competition;cooperation;predšolski otrok;tekmovanje;sodelovanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): High school thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 57 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Preschool teachers attitudes towards competition and cooperation between children
Keywords (ePrints): tekmovalnost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): competitiveness
Abstract (ePrints): Sodelovalnih veščin se morajo otroci še naučiti, tekmovalnost pa je potrebno predvsem pravilno usmerjati in se o njenih posledicah veliko pogovarjati. V vrtcu naj bi bile dejavnosti zastavljene tako, da otroke spodbujajo k sodelovanju. Zanimalo me je, koliko se vzgojitelji in vzgojiteljice tega zavedajo in načrtno vnašajo v svoje delo in kako se po drugi strani soočajo s tekmovalnostjo, ki se v otroški igri pojavlja že zelo zgodaj. V diplomski nalogi sem raziskala mnenja strokovnih delavcev o tekmovalnosti in sodelovanju, kakšne vplive imata omenjeni vedenji na otrokov razvoj ter kako se odražata pri načrtovanju in izvajanju vzgojnega dela. Rezultate, ki sem jih pridobila z anketnim vprašalnikom, sem kvantitativno obdelala in interpretirala ter primerjala rezultate I. starostne skupine (13 letniki) in II. starostne skupine (36 letniki). Strokovni delavci v večini soglašajo s trditvami, ki opredeljujejo tekmovalnost kot pomemben faktor pri otrokovem razvoju, ne strinjajo pa se, da je zato potrebno tekmovalnost še posebej spodbujati, ali da bi s tem na kakršenkoli način otrokom pomagali pri pripravi na življenje v naši t. i. tekmovalni družbi. Za sodelovanje menijo, da krepi medosebne odnose in da so predšolski otroci dovolj zreli, da se učijo sodelovalnih veščin. Uravnotežena uporaba sodelovalnega in tekmovalnega vedenja pri načrtovanju vzgojnega dela nudi otrokom možnosti za spontano učenje socialnih veščin ter konstruktivno spopadanje z ovirami in porazi.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Children have yet to learn the skills of cooperation, while competitiveness should primarily be correctly steered. A lot of discussion should also be devoted to its consequences. In nursery school, activities should be designed to encourage children to cooperate. I was interested in to what extent preschool teachers are aware of that fact and introduce cooperation intentionally into their work and how, on the other hand, they face competitiveness, which appears in child’s play already at a very early stage. My diploma paper searches for attitudes preschool teachers have towards competitiveness and cooperation, how both behaviours affect the child's development and how they are reflected in the planning and implementation of educational work. I have quantitatively processed and interpreted the results, which I have acquired through a questionnaire and compared them between the first age group (13 year olds) and second age group (36 year olds). The majority of preschool teachers agree with arguments, which specify competitiveness as a significant factor in a child's development. Yet, they do not agree that for that reason competitiveness should be especially encouraged or that, by encouraging competitiveness, they would contribute in any way to the preparation of children to life in our so called competitive society. As far as cooperation is concerned, they think that it strengthens interpersonal relations and that preschool children are mature enough to learn the skills of cooperation. The balanced use of cooperating and competitive behaviour at planning of educational work offers children the possibility to learn social skills spontaneously and to cope with barriers and defeats constructively.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): competitiveness
ID: 8308205