diplomsko delo
Tina Grapulin Bavčar (Author), Alenka Polak (Mentor), Iztok Tomažič (Co-mentor)


Timsko delo učiteljev pri naravoslovnih predmetih




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Grapulin Bavčar]
UDC: 37.011.3-051:5(043.2)
COBISS: 8953929 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1166
Downloads: 166
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Team work of teachers on science educations
Secondary abstract: Teacher teamwork is a form of activity, usually performed by a group of experts, in which the basis for cooperation is the direct and equal sharing of tasks. Teachers participating in the team, complement each other with their different skills, abilities, motivation to work in a team, different work habits and different levels of desire for personal growth. Teamwork consists of three stages: team planning, team teaching and team evaluation. Along with the change in educational legislation in Slovenia, came the changes in the teaching style in Slovenian primary schools. Teamwork is now used both by the primary school teachers as well as by the teachers of science subjects at the middle school level (in Slovenia, the primary and the middle school are not separated and the middle school period is referred to as the »subject level« of the primary school). As a future professor of chemistry and biology, I wanted to explore the implementation of teamwork in the subjects Chemistry, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Purpose of this research is to determine what kind of experience teachers of science subjects have with teamwork. I was especially interested in investigating whether the teachers use team-teaching opportunities as a part of their regular hours only, or do they also use this teaching style during excursions and in various projects. I have devoted much attention to the advantages of teamwork, I investigated the problems teachers encounter when using this teaching style and how they are resolved. I also focused on whether science teachers themselves use team-working methods when interacting with other teachers, especially those on the primary school level. The research was conducted using a questionnaire, which was sent to middle school teachers of science subjects in the Slovenia's Primorska region. I collected data from November 2009 to January 2010. After analyzing the data, I found that the teachers of science subjects used team-work only in the context of various organizational activities. According to the results, the teachers perceive the main advantages of teamwork to be greater motivation on the side of the students, the harmonization of criteria, increased diversity in the classroom because of the use of different teaching methods and forms of work and better school day organization. As the greatest obstacle with regard to team-work, the difficulties surrounding proper timing and scheduling were highlighted.
Secondary keywords: team teaching;interdisciplinary approach;science education;timski pouk;medpredmetni pristop;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Kemija in biologija, Biotehniška fak., Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Naravoslovnotehniška fak.
Pages: 93, 4 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Team work of teachers on science educations
Keywords (ePrints): tim
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): team
Abstract (ePrints): Timsko delo učiteljev je oblika aktivnosti, ki jo opravlja skupina strokovnjakov, pri kateri je osnova za sodelovanje neposredna in enakopravna delitev nalog. Učitelji, ki sodelujejo v timu, se med seboj dopolnjujejo, saj imajo različna znanja, sposobnosti, motivacijo za delo v timu, različne delovne navade in želje po osebni rasti. Timsko delo sestavljajo tri etape: timsko načrtovanje, timsko poučevanje in timska evalvacija. S spremembo šolske zakonodaje v slovenskih osnovnih šolah je prišlo do sprememb v načinu poučevanja. Timsko delo, poleg učiteljev na razredni stopnji, izvajajo tudi učitelji naravoslovnih predmetov na predmetni stopnji. Kot bodoča profesorica kemije in biologije, želim raziskati možnosti izvajanja timskega dela pri predmetih kemija, biologija, naravoslovje in fizika. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kakšne izkušnje imajo učitelji naravoslovnih predmetov s timskim delom. Posebej me je zanimalo, ob katerih priložnostih timsko poučujejo, ali le v sklopu rednih ur ali v okviru naravoslovnih dni ter pri različnih projektih. Veliko pozornost sem posvetila tudi prednostim timskega dela, raziskovala sem, s katerimi težavami se učitelji pri delu srečujejo in kako jih rešujejo. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali učitelji naravoslovnih predmetov timsko sodelujejo tudi z učitelji ostalih predmetov na predmetni stopnji. V raziskavo sem vključila učitelje primorskih osnovnih šol, ki na predmetni stopnji poučujejo kemijo, biologijo, naravoslovje in fiziko. Podatke sem zbirala od novembra 2009 do januarja 2010 z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki sem ga na šole poslala po pošti. Po pregledu vseh anketnih vprašalnikov sem ugotovila, da učitelji naravoslovnih predmetov izvajajo timsko le v sklopu različnih organizacijskih aktivnosti. Glavne prednosti timskega dela učitelji vidijo v večji motivaciji učencev, v usklajenosti kriterijev, v pestrosti pouka zaradi uporabe različnih metod in oblik dela in boljši organizaciji pouka. Kot največjo oviro in problem pa so izpostavili časovno usklajevanje urnikov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Teacher teamwork is a form of activity, usually performed by a group of experts, in which the basis for cooperation is the direct and equal sharing of tasks. Teachers participating in the team, complement each other with their different skills, abilities, motivation to work in a team, different work habits and different levels of desire for personal growth. Teamwork consists of three stages: team planning, team teaching and team evaluation. Along with the change in educational legislation in Slovenia, came the changes in the teaching style in Slovenian primary schools. Teamwork is now used both by the primary school teachers as well as by the teachers of science subjects at the middle school level (in Slovenia, the primary and the middle school are not separated and the middle school period is referred to as the »subject level« of the primary school). As a future professor of chemistry and biology, I wanted to explore the implementation of teamwork in the subjects Chemistry, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Purpose of this research is to determine what kind of experience teachers of science subjects have with teamwork. I was especially interested in investigating whether the teachers use team-teaching opportunities as a part of their regular hours only, or do they also use this teaching style during excursions and in various projects. I have devoted much attention to the advantages of teamwork, I investigated the problems teachers encounter when using this teaching style and how they are resolved. I also focused on whether science teachers themselves use team-working methods when interacting with other teachers, especially those on the primary school level. The research was conducted using a questionnaire, which was sent to middle school teachers of science subjects in the Slovenia's Primorska region. I collected data from November 2009 to January 2010. After analyzing the data, I found that the teachers of science subjects used team-work only in the context of various organizational activities. According to the results, the teachers perceive the main advantages of teamwork to be greater motivation on the side of the students, the harmonization of criteria, increased diversity in the classroom because of the use of different teaching methods and forms of work and better school day organization. As the greatest obstacle with regard to team-work, the difficulties surrounding proper timing and scheduling were highlighted.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): team
ID: 8308256