Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Relationship between a father and a child after divorce |
Secondary abstract: |
Nowadays, there are a lot of divorces and consequently children, who live with one of the parents and have occasional contacts with the other one. In my diploma I want to find out what kind of relationship father and a child have after divorce, father's feelings about that relationship and the conseqences of this relationship for a father and a child. Parents decide to divorce because of different reasons. After divorce a child lives with only one parent, meanwhile he rarely sees the other one. Most often there is the father, who is absent and doesn't live with ex-wife and their child. For a child divorce is a great shock and it's even worse if suddenly he doesn't see one of the parents any more or if they express hatered towards each other. The relationship between parents has a strong influence on their child, partner's relationship between parents namely represents to a child a pattern for mutual relations and relations between sexes. A child, separated from one or both parents, has the right to keep personal contacts regularly and to keep direct connection with both parents, only if it is in opposition to his benefits. Contacts with an absent parent can mean a lot to a child and also to his parent. Some fathers would like to bring up and care for their children or have more contacts with them.
In qualitative research through interview method, I explored and analysed the nature of relationship between a child and a divorced father and discovered what kind of influence it has on father's life. Results of research are next: Good relationship between parents influences on the relationship father – child. Qualitative and constant contacts between father and a child are important for their relationship. Father's positive feelings about contacts have influence on his confidence with father's role. Child's positive relationship to father has influence on father's self esteem. Relationship between a father and a child before and after divorce is not necessarily the same. Fathers often create a new life/relationship after divorce. |
Secondary keywords: |
divorce;father-child relation;father;ločitev;odnos med očetom in otrokom;oče; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika |
Pages: |
111 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Relationship between a father and a child after divorce |
Keywords (ePrints): |
ločitev |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
divorce |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V zadnjem času je veliko razvez in posledično tudi otrok, ki živijo le z enim od staršev, z drugim staršem pa imajo občasne stike. V diplomskem delu želim raziskati, kakšen je odnos ločenega očeta z otrokom, očetovo doživljanje odnosov in kakšne posledice imajo ti odnosi za otroka in očeta. Starši se iz različnih razlogov odločijo za razvezo. Otrok po ločitvi staršev živi le z enim staršem, drugega pa večinoma videva bolj redko. Običajno je oče tisti, ki je odsoten, ki ne živi več s prejšnjo partnerico in skupnim otrokom. Na otroka močno vpliva odnos med staršema, namreč partnerski odnos med staršema predstavlja otroku vzorec za medsebojne odnose in odnose med spoloma. Otrok, ki je ločen od enega ali obeh staršev, ima pravico, da redno vzdržuje osebne stike in neposredno zvezo z obema staršema, razen če je to v nasprotju z njegovimi koristmi. Stiki z »odsotnim« staršem lahko otroku in prav tako staršu veliko pomenijo. Nekateri očetje bi radi v varstvo in vzgojo dobili otroke ali jih pogosteje in več videvali na stikih.
Preko kvalitativne raziskave sem z metodo intervjuja raziskovala in analizirala naravo odnosa med otrokom in ločenim očetom ter ugotavljala, kako to vpliva na življenje očeta. Rezultati raziskave so naslednji: Dober odnos med staršema vpliva na dober odnos otrok – oče. Kvalitetni in pogosti stiki med otrokom in očetom so pomembni za njun odnos. Očetovo pozitivno doživljanje srečanj z otrokom vpliva na zadovoljstvo z očetovsko vlogo. Otrokov pozitiven odnos do očeta pozitivno vpliva na očetovo samopodobo. Odnos otroka in očeta pred razvezo ni nujno enak tudi po razvezi. Očetje si po razvezi večinoma ustvarijo novo življenje. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Nowadays, there are a lot of divorces and consequently children, who live with one of the parents and have occasional contacts with the other one. In my diploma I want to find out what kind of relationship father and a child have after divorce, father's feelings about that relationship and the conseqences of this relationship for a father and a child. Parents decide to divorce because of different reasons. After divorce a child lives with only one parent, meanwhile he rarely sees the other one. Most often there is the father, who is absent and doesn't live with ex-wife and their child. For a child divorce is a great shock and it's even worse if suddenly he doesn't see one of the parents any more or if they express hatered towards each other. The relationship between parents has a strong influence on their child, partner's relationship between parents namely represents to a child a pattern for mutual relations and relations between sexes. A child, separated from one or both parents, has the right to keep personal contacts regularly and to keep direct connection with both parents, only if it is in opposition to his benefits. Contacts with an absent parent can mean a lot to a child and also to his parent. Some fathers would like to bring up and care for their children or have more contacts with them.
In qualitative research through interview method, I explored and analysed the nature of relationship between a child and a divorced father and discovered what kind of influence it has on father's life. Results of research are next: Good relationship between parents influences on the relationship father – child. Qualitative and constant contacts between father and a child are important for their relationship. Father's positive feelings about contacts have influence on his confidence with father's role. Child's positive relationship to father has influence on father's self esteem. Relationship between a father and a child before and after divorce is not necessarily the same. Fathers often create a new life/relationship after divorce. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
divorce |
ID: |
8308279 |