Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Mathematical homework in primary schools |
Secondary abstract: |
Homework is an important part of the educational process because it does not only have educational, but also upbringing roles. Acquiring skills such as accuracy, diligence, perseverance and independence are just some of them. Homework assignments should not only be in written but also in an oral and practical form.
The main part of the theoretical component is intended to present homework planning. It includes planning of the presentation, realization, and verification of a homework assignment and also planning of its content, extent, purpose and the time it takes a pupil to complete an assignment. It features the basic principles that teachers should keep in mind when planning homework: the principle of diversity, the principle of differentiation, as well as the principle of the rationalization and the economy of homework. In recent years many modern approaches were introduced into mathematics teaching that need to be taken into account when planning homework. The content thereof should be varied, topical and related to the learner's everyday life and his interests. Mathematical homework should be linked to the nonmathematical teaching areas such as science, social studies, Slovenian language... In addition to homework assignments aimed at consolidating their knowledge learners should practice assignments that deepen and expand their knowledge. Learners should have the chance to apply the acquired knowledge and to practice tasks that will prepare them for upcoming lessons.
In the empirical part of the thesis we present the research on how Slovenian primary teachers plan mathematical homework assignments. We found out that they plan the content of homework assignments, their realization and verification well. They are less dedicated to presentation planning of mathematical homework.
The research was also conducted among pupils of third grade. We wanted to know what kind of mathematical homework they like. The results are showing that pupils prefer fun and interesting assignments of which the content is varied, topical and related to the learners' interests and their everyday life, rather than classical mathematical homework. |
Secondary keywords: |
mathematics;homework;primary school;matematika;domača naloga;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
VIII, 82 str., [9] str. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Mathematical homework in primary schools |
Keywords (ePrints): |
domače naloge |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
homework |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Domače naloge so pomemben del vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa, saj imajo poleg izobraževalnih tudi številne vzgojne funkcije. Pridobivanje spretnosti, kot so natančnost, vestnost, vztrajnost in samostojnost, so le nekatere izmed njih. Domače naloge naj ne bi bile samo pisne, ampak tudi ustne in praktične.
Osrednji del teoretičnega dela je namenjen predstavitvi načrtovanja domačih nalog. Ta zajema načrtovanje posredovanja, izvrševanja in preverjanja domačih nalog, poleg tega pa tudi načrtovanje njihove vsebine, obsega, namena in učenčeve časovne obremenitve z njihovim izvrševanjem. Predstavljeni so temeljni principi, ki jih morajo učitelji upoštevati pri načrtovanju domačih nalog: princip pestrosti, princip diferenciacije in princip racionalizacije ter ekonomičnosti domačih nalog. V poučevanje matematike so bili v zadnjih letih uvedeni številni sodobnejši pristopi, ki jih potrebno upoštevati tudi pri načrtovanju matematičnih domačih nalog. Vsebina le-teh mora biti raznolika, aktualna in povezana z učenčevim vsakdanjim življenjem in interesi. Matematične domače naloge naj bodo povezane tudi z nematematičnimi področji poučevanja, kot so naravoslovje, družboslovje, slovenščina … Poleg domačih nalog, namenjenih utrjevanju znanja, naj učenci rešujejo naloge poglabljanja, razširjanja in uporabe znanja ter naloge uvajanja v obravnavo nove učne snovi.
V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela predstavljamo raziskavo o tem, kako slovenski razredni učitelji načrtujejo matematične domače naloge. Ugotovili smo, da učitelji dobro načrtujejo vsebino domačih nalog in njihovo izvrševanje ter preverjanje. Manj se posvečajo vnaprejšnjemu načrtovanju posredovanja matematičnih domačih nalog.
Raziskavo smo izvedli tudi med učenci 3. razredov, in sicer smo želeli izvedeti, kakšne matematične domače naloge imajo učenci radi. Rezultati so pokazali, da učenci, raje kot klasične matematične domače naloge, izvršujejo matematične domače naloge, ki so zabavne in zanimive, njihova vsebina pa je aktualna, zanimiva ter povezana z učenčevimi interesi in vsakdanjim življenjem. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Homework is an important part of the educational process because it does not only have educational, but also upbringing roles. Acquiring skills such as accuracy, diligence, perseverance and independence are just some of them. Homework assignments should not only be in written but also in an oral and practical form.
The main part of the theoretical component is intended to present homework planning. It includes planning of the presentation, realization, and verification of a homework assignment and also planning of its content, extent, purpose and the time it takes a pupil to complete an assignment. It features the basic principles that teachers should keep in mind when planning homework: the principle of diversity, the principle of differentiation, as well as the principle of the rationalization and the economy of homework. In recent years many modern approaches were introduced into mathematics teaching that need to be taken into account when planning homework. The content thereof should be varied, topical and related to the learner's everyday life and his interests. Mathematical homework should be linked to the nonmathematical teaching areas such as science, social studies, Slovenian language... In addition to homework assignments aimed at consolidating their knowledge learners should practice assignments that deepen and expand their knowledge. Learners should have the chance to apply the acquired knowledge and to practice tasks that will prepare them for upcoming lessons.
In the empirical part of the thesis we present the research on how Slovenian primary teachers plan mathematical homework assignments. We found out that they plan the content of homework assignments, their realization and verification well. They are less dedicated to presentation planning of mathematical homework.
The research was also conducted among pupils of third grade. We wanted to know what kind of mathematical homework they like. The results are showing that pupils prefer fun and interesting assignments of which the content is varied, topical and related to the learners' interests and their everyday life, rather than classical mathematical homework. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
homework |
ID: |
8308401 |