diplomsko delo
Marjeta Švigelj (Author), Martina Ozbič (Mentor)


Ocenjevanje predbralnih sposobnosti


bralne sposobnosti;bralna učinkovitost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Švigelj]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 8976713 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1008
Downloads: 207
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Assessment of preliteracy skills
Secondary abstract: The present thesis touches upon the problem of how to identify children at risk of developing reading disorders as early as possible, even before learning to read. Early detection of deficits in the area is of great importance, since it enables us to take one step closer in dealing successfully with problems concerning reading by preventive trainings and development of preliteracy skills. Appropriate training cannot be evolved without proper estimates of deficits in preliteracy skills. The thesis therefore attempts to offer an answer to the question of how and with what tools and tests such estimates can be obtained. At the beginning of the thesis, reading is presented as being one of the most important school skills. In the following pages, more is written about its development and the processes at work during reading. Next, the development of skills needed to begin to learn reading (preliteracy skills) and the factors affecting the efficiency of reading, are described. Apart from that, types of reading disorders are explained along with suggested exercises to develop the preliteracy skills for the problematic areas (visual differentiation, phonological awareness, short-term memory and the ability for rapid automated denomination). In continuation of the thesis, tests designed to wholly or partly assess children's preliteracy skills are studied. The discovered disadvantage of all of them is that they are merely a part of other diagnostic tests and do not form a unique battery intended for early detection of children at risk. If a comprehensive study of all the areas which affect reading skills would be performed in order to be able to anticipate potential problems in reading, the investigators would first need to select and combine fragments of several different tests, which would, apart from consuming a lot of time, result in non comparable data, since each professional would prepare a different test. The aim of the thesis was to prevent just that by designing a battery of tests suitable for the purpose. The battery was produced by creating new exercises or manipulating appropriate existing ones directed to children aged from 5 to 7. The creation was based on theoretical knowledge and ran along the lines of well-established Slovenian as well as foreign language tests and tools for early intervention. Finally, the battery was tested on a sample of 10 children, the majority of which is to enter elementary school next year. The pilot study has shown both advantages and disadvantages to the battery. On their basis, improvements and suggestions for further work are proposed.
Secondary keywords: reading;reading difficulty;assessment;branje;težave pri branju;vrednotenje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: IV, 168 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Assessment of preliteracy skills
Keywords (ePrints): branje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): reading
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomska naloga obravnava vprašanje, kako čim bolj zgodaj, torej še pred učenjem branja, odkriti otroke, rizične za nastanek bralnih motenj. Zgodnje odkrivanje primanjkljajev je namreč ključnega pomena, saj lahko s preventivnimi treningi in razvojem predbralnih sposobnosti naredimo korak bližje k uspešnejšemu spopadanju s težavami na področju branja. Primernih treningov ne moremo načrtovati brez ocene primanjkljajev na področju predbralnih sposobnosti. Diplomska naloga torej odgovarja na vprašanje, kako ter s kakšnimi pripomočki in preizkusi tako poglobljeno oceno pridobiti. V izhodišču so predstavljeni branje kot ena najpomembnejših šolskih veščin, razvoj branja in procesi, ki se med branjem odvijajo. Sledijo obravnava sposobnosti, ki so potrebne za začetek učenja branja, torej razvoj predbralnih sposobnosti, in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na učinkovito branje. Razložene so vrste bralnih motenj in predlagane vaje za razvoj predbralnih sposobnosti po področjih, ki so lahko manj razvita (tj. vidno razločevanje, fonološko zavedanje, kratkotrajni spomin in sposobnost hitrega avtomatiziranega poimenovanja). V nadaljevanju so opisani preizkusi, ki so v celoti ali delno namenjeni ocenjevanju otrokovih predbralnih sposobnosti. Slabost vseh opisanih testov je, da so preizkusi za oceno predbralnih sposobnosti samo del drugih diagnostičnih preizkusov, niso pa vaje spete v eno baterijo, namenjeno zgodnji detekciji rizičnih otrok. Če bi želeli izdelati poglobljeno oceno za vsa področja, ki vplivajo na bralne sposobnosti, in napovedati možne težave pri branju, bi tako morali združiti delčke več različnih testov. Cilj moje diplomske naloge je bil, na osnovi teoretičnih znanj, po vzoru slovenskih in tujejezičnih uveljavljenih testov ter pripomočkov za zgodnjo intervencijo, izdelati ali prirediti slovenščini primerne preizkuse, ki bodo preverjali otrokove predbralne sposobnosti ter pokazali, kolikšna je stopnja razvitosti le-teh pri otrocih, starih od pet do sedem let. Izdelane preizkuse sem testirala na vzorcu desetih otrok, ki bodo naslednje leto v večini začeli obiskovati prvi razred osnovne šole. Pilotska raziskava je pokazala prednosti in slabosti skupka zbranih preizkusov. Predlagane so izboljšave in podani predlogi za nadaljnje delo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The present thesis touches upon the problem of how to identify children at risk of developing reading disorders as early as possible, even before learning to read. Early detection of deficits in the area is of great importance, since it enables us to take one step closer in dealing successfully with problems concerning reading by preventive trainings and development of preliteracy skills. Appropriate training cannot be evolved without proper estimates of deficits in preliteracy skills. The thesis therefore attempts to offer an answer to the question of how and with what tools and tests such estimates can be obtained. At the beginning of the thesis, reading is presented as being one of the most important school skills. In the following pages, more is written about its development and the processes at work during reading. Next, the development of skills needed to begin to learn reading (preliteracy skills) and the factors affecting the efficiency of reading, are described. Apart from that, types of reading disorders are explained along with suggested exercises to develop the preliteracy skills for the problematic areas (visual differentiation, phonological awareness, short-term memory and the ability for rapid automated denomination). In continuation of the thesis, tests designed to wholly or partly assess children's preliteracy skills are studied. The discovered disadvantage of all of them is that they are merely a part of other diagnostic tests and do not form a unique battery intended for early detection of children at risk. If a comprehensive study of all the areas which affect reading skills would be performed in order to be able to anticipate potential problems in reading, the investigators would first need to select and combine fragments of several different tests, which would, apart from consuming a lot of time, result in non comparable data, since each professional would prepare a different test. The aim of the thesis was to prevent just that by designing a battery of tests suitable for the purpose. The battery was produced by creating new exercises or manipulating appropriate existing ones directed to children aged from 5 to 7. The creation was based on theoretical knowledge and ran along the lines of well-established Slovenian as well as foreign language tests and tools for early intervention. Finally, the battery was tested on a sample of 10 children, the majority of which is to enter elementary school next year. The pilot study has shown both advantages and disadvantages to the battery. On their basis, improvements and suggestions for further work are proposed.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): reading
ID: 8308432