diplomsko delo
Matija Martinec (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Razvijanje ustvarjalnih sposobnosti pri književnem pouku v četrtem razredu devetletne osnovne šole


književna didaktika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Martinec]
UDC: 373.3:82(043.2)
COBISS: 9022537 Link will open in a new window
Views: 717
Downloads: 156
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Developing creative writing and teaching literature in fourth grade of primary school
Secondary abstract: Development of creative abilities depends on the way of live of every individual and that is the reason, why there are some differences in their development among different cultures. The second and at same time the hardest part of developing creativity in Slovenian environment starts, when students are in transition from fourth to fifth grade of primary school. Creative abilities are at that time at the lowest point of its development and much more inflexible as in the other periods of lifetime (Blažić, 2000, str. 78). However, we can influence the development of creativity with different exercises that are based on divergent thinking. The »father« of divergent thinking, J. P. Guilford, defined divergent thinking as an ability to generate multiple solutions to a problem. Moreover, he associated divergent thinking to creativity and appointed it with several characteristics: fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. Although divergent thinking and creativity are highly related, creativity needs appropriate conditions for its development. My thesis is devoted to reading literature and exercises of creative and re-creative writing based on it that foster vocabulary expansion, which is one of the key elements for developing creativity. In the final theoretical part of my thesis I make a review of the national curriculum for the subject Slovene in the fourth grade of primary school, with the main focus on the educational goals that support creativity. Results of my survey show that students are motivated for doing creative and re-creative writing exercises in literature class. Furthermore, I found out that students achieved more assessment criteria at the end of the survey in comparison to the beginning of it. Besides that, the results show that girls have done better than the boys in fluency of ideas. In addition, the fluency of associations among students expanded with the number of literature lessons that offered creative and re-creative writing.
Secondary keywords: creativity;composition;teaching method;ustvarjalnost;ustvarjalno pisanje;didaktična metoda;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 66 str., XXIII str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Developing creative writing and teaching literature in fourth grade of primary school
Keywords (ePrints): ustvarjalnost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): creativity
Abstract (ePrints): Obdobja razvijanja ustvarjalnih sposobnosti so povezana z različnimi okoliščinami v življenju vsakega posameznika, zato se ta v različnih kulturah pojavljajo z različnimi časovnimi zamiki. Drugo in hkrati najtežje obdobje se v slovenskem okolju pojavi, ko so učenci stari 11–12 let, torej na prehodu iz četrtega v peti razred osnovne šole. Stopnja samoiniciativnosti glede ustvarjalnosti je v omenjenem starostnem obdobju mnogo bolj omejena, toga kot v nekaterih drugih obdobjih (Blažić, 2000, str. 78). Ustvarjalnost je mogoče spodbuditi z različnimi vajami, ki temeljijo na razvoju divergentnega mišljenja. Divergentno mišljenje je J. P. Guilford opredelil kot večsmerno mišljenje, ki je sestavljeno iz več komponent, ki se med seboj dopolnjujejo oziroma nadgrajujejo. Te komponente so: fluentnost, fleksibilnost, izvirnost in elaboracija. Sama ustvarjalnost potrebuje za lasten razvoj tudi primerne pogoje. Ker se diplomsko delo posveča predvsem sklepni fazi interpretacije književnega besedila – in sicer na stopnji poglabljanja doživetja, ki ga bodo učenci izražali predvsem s pomočjo poustvarjalnega in ustvarjalnega pisanja na podlagi obravnavanih književnih del – je velik poudarek namenjen predvsem branju in pisnemu ustvarjanju ter različnim dejavnostim za širjenje besednega zaklada, ki so eden od ključnih elementov pri razvijanju ustvarjalnosti. Teoretični del diplomskega dela se zaključi s pregledom učnega načrta pri predmetu slovenščina za četrti razred devetletne osnovne šole, kjer so izpostavljeni cilji, povezani z ustvarjalnostjo. S pomočjo raziskave, v katero je bilo vključenih dvajset učenk in učencev četrtega razreda osnovne šole, sem v diplomskem delu prišel do spoznanja, da vaje za poustvarjalno in ustvarjalno pisanje v večini primerov motivirajo učence za delo pri književnem pouku. Raziskave so pokazale tudi, da učenci v končnem stanju dosegajo več kriterijev vrednotenja kot v začetnem stanju, pri čemer so vaje poustvarjalnega in ustvarjalnega pisanja ključen dejavnik za take rezultate. Prav tako sem ugotovil, da so deklice v primerjavi z dečki močnejše na področju divergentnega mišljenja, ki se tiče fluentnosti idej. Nazadnje pa so rezultati pokazali, da s številom učnih ur književnega pouka, pri katerem se uporablja poustvarjalno in ustvarjalno pisanje, narašča tudi fluentnost asociacij pri učencih.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Development of creative abilities depends on the way of live of every individual and that is the reason, why there are some differences in their development among different cultures. The second and at same time the hardest part of developing creativity in Slovenian environment starts, when students are in transition from fourth to fifth grade of primary school. Creative abilities are at that time at the lowest point of its development and much more inflexible as in the other periods of lifetime (Blažić, 2000, str. 78). However, we can influence the development of creativity with different exercises that are based on divergent thinking. The »father« of divergent thinking, J. P. Guilford, defined divergent thinking as an ability to generate multiple solutions to a problem. Moreover, he associated divergent thinking to creativity and appointed it with several characteristics: fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. Although divergent thinking and creativity are highly related, creativity needs appropriate conditions for its development. My thesis is devoted to reading literature and exercises of creative and re-creative writing based on it that foster vocabulary expansion, which is one of the key elements for developing creativity. In the final theoretical part of my thesis I make a review of the national curriculum for the subject Slovene in the fourth grade of primary school, with the main focus on the educational goals that support creativity. Results of my survey show that students are motivated for doing creative and re-creative writing exercises in literature class. Furthermore, I found out that students achieved more assessment criteria at the end of the survey in comparison to the beginning of it. Besides that, the results show that girls have done better than the boys in fluency of ideas. In addition, the fluency of associations among students expanded with the number of literature lessons that offered creative and re-creative writing.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): creativity
ID: 8308602